next up,a small tube of "everest" kpem shave cream from russia...42 millilitres,a simple abstract image of mt. everest adorns the face of the english writing..the cream itself is a pastel aquamarine color,and is "runny",very loose indeed...the lather whipped up easily,but was thinner than the eveline manline...the scent is masculine barbershop type,maybe a hint of menthol...I utilized an edwin jagger chatworth barleycorn loaded with a fresh russian iridium,a very porous pottery bowl,and a custom made rudy vey black my surprise I had no problems with the thin drag,no burn,I expected a much lower blanket of protection with this thin runny cream,but it actually did hold up quite can see in the badger and cream shot,the cream is rapidly running towards the knot...,in the last shot you see there is enough for 3-4 more passes,but that hits this almond size dollops limit....not bad,not great...a serviceable ,clean smelling lather...a shot of kremlon (bulgarian) super menthol A/S polished it off...the chocolate was for later !