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Rotation confessions

I'm new to this business and asked for suggestions about creams and soaps I could try out to identify preferences. I had lots of suggestions and I will soon have 8 creams and 6 soaps to work through, some of which I may use regularly in rotation. I googled this topic of rotation and quickly identified someone who has 36 creams and soaps he uses in rotation. As one who until recently used whatever cream my wife bought me this is extraordinary. I must say I understand the appeal of trying out new products but surely one has to stop somewhere!

So come on chaps - anyone willing to confess to how many creams and soaps they have tried and/or now use regularly in rotation?

Forgive me if this has been discussed before but I am sure things are always changing.
I have 1 creme, Proraso, and one soap, VDH. I used the VDH about 4 times but have been using Proraso for the past 3 months. Yep, my AD is way under control.
I have 7 soaps and confess to owning more creams than I can easily count ... then again, I've only been wet-shaving for about 18 months, so I haven't built up quite the collection that some have. I wouldn't be surprised if the amount doubles by this time next year.

At any given time, I keep 4 or 5 out on the counter in active rotation.

And then there are the SuperLather combos. Some creams and soaps are meant to go together, like Tabac + Tabac, MWF + Musgo, or Williams + KMF unscented.
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I have about 7 creams and 5 soaps in my rotation (although I've tried many more). Some are used more often than the others. Two of my soaps and two creams are just collecting dust. I keep the soaps out since I use them more often than creams; and I rarely Superlather.
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after 3 months, i have 6 brushes, 6 shavers, 2 straights, 6 creams and 8 soaps, 1 bowl, and 1 scuttle . . . 2 witch hazels, 3 ASB's and 1 ingrown hair medication, along with jojoba and rosehip oil, 1 x rhassoul clay , and 1 french green clay mask . . .
Five soaps:

Prairie Creations
D.R.Harris Arlington
Burma Shave

Every one of those has Tallow! DRH and Tabac are the only ones where it isn't the first ingredient.

NO creams. Traded out my T&H 1805 for the DRH soap.
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I have 10 soaps and no creams.

I am looking to add to my soap rotation as im getting bored with the ones I have...I suppose this is inline with most human being's relentless persuit of happiness :rolleyes:
I have 5 soaps and 20 creams. I will probably be selling all of my soaps soon as I prefer the creams. Actually, it is not even close. I get a much better lather with my creams.
Full size creams? One. C.O. Bigelow green.

Full-size soaps? Three. VDH Deluxe, VDH Select, and Mama Bear Spicey Lime.

Sample creams? I have five left. Trumper's Violet, eShave Tea Tree, Body Shop Maca Root, Castle Forbes Lime, and Santa Maria Novella.

Sample soaps? Two. TGQ Savon de Compagne and Provence Lavender.
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