I collect all examples of Merkur Progress and wound up with a vintage one in very tough shape. Unfortunately I did not take pictures of the original razor. It was pitted in the cap and had lost plating everywhere else. I have wanted to try and have a Progress plated in Rose Gold. So this was the candidate. Dave at West Coast Razors was willing to try but skeptical that the underlying metal could be made smooth enough to get a satisfactory result. But I had nothing but parts if he was not able to plate the Progress in the Rose Gold. I have had other razors in Rose from Dave always with good results. Here is the finished product. Hard to photograph the Rose Gold but it is stunning. Everything is crisp and the Rose Gold laid on perfectly. We didn't think the cream knob and red numbers of the vintage adjustment knob would look good and after some discussion settled on black. The numbers are simply painted into the old numbers while the knob is cerakote and baked on. I could not be happier with the result.
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