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Rooneys are DENSE!!

I know what you mean about dense! I had no idea how it would be until I got mine, but it is ridiculous.

I love it.
They don't stint on the bristle - that's one of the things the extra $ buys. The heritage line are even denser than the regulars IMO - quite amazing density. I never thought my chubby would look "bald" in comparison with another brush.
I don't know how they get it all in there. I got a T&H 1/2 and it is a midget muscleman compared to my Vulfix, which next to it, looks embarrassed and quite impotent. It knew it could never make it as a soap brush...

T&H claim they get Rooney to up the hair content for their brushes, but I don't know if I'm buying that.
I think a word of caution is necessary.

Some Rooneys are dense.

The density in relaton to the water holding capacity and the brushes size and shape is what makes a good brush great. Too dense and the brush will not be very good at all. Too lightly packed and the lather is too watery and the brush is too floppy.

Rooney however make great shaving brushes generally.

Sorry to sound like a dork, but these things are little understood today. But it is not chance when you find a good brush in what ever filling is selected.
Brushes are not good to know to much about!:tongue_sm Rooneys can be dense and hold water and lather and be a little bit of a brush hog, like the Heritage Stubby 2 for instance. When you go to the "Finest" 2 banded you get a brush that tends to only hold water at the tips because the shafts are stiffer and don't hold as much lather but they can cause divorces because of the the price per copy.:sneaky2:

Take Car,
My stubby 2 is a lather hog and half! I can't imagine a brush being more dense, but that being said, it is not my ideal brush, because it's such a lather hog. Lately, I only pick up my rooney if I'm in the mood for a nice face massage, but that's it.
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