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Rooney old vs. new

I just got a Rooney 3/1. Its a decent brush, but there are some very noticable differences between my brothers new style (script "Rooney") and my old style (block letter Rooney). The old one is less dense, by one order if that makes any sense. Not night and day, but obvious enough that you could tell right away. It is also one degree more floppy as a result. The tips are also not quite as silver. The tips can be written off to variance between one Badger and the next, but the density is a bit concerning. Did they change specs for the knots when they changed the lettering? Any info would be appreciated. Though I admit people with a new and old style Rooney in the same model will be few and far between.
Both are Super Badger hair, I hope they dont have synthetic or boar bristles in them! I'll try to snap some pics tomorrow.
The wide variations in density, loft height, tip softness, knot shape (even in same model), excessive shedding, and not to mention the inability to contact the manufacturer directly, and poor customer service from the UK vendors, are the reasons I no longer own a Rooney brush.

YMMV! :bored:

Thanks for posting the pictures. I'm disappointed that the new handle no longer says "Super" anywhere. I suppose we will just have to remember which grade of hair is which.
Wow, no kidding. That's a pretty big difference there. You should raise hell with whoever sold you that old style one. :lol: Seriously though, it is nice to see a product change being an improvement for once.
Thanks for posting the pictures. I'm disappointed that the new handle no longer says "Super" anywhere. I suppose we will just have to remember which grade of hair is which.

If they changed that much for the better, they can put whatever you want on it :tongue_sm

Wow, no kidding. That's a pretty big difference there. You should raise hell with whoever sold you that old style one. :lol: Seriously though, it is nice to see a product change being an improvement for once.

No joke. Let me find the "beat the merchant" stick. At least it was educational, especially since no one seemed to notice this evolution.
Here are some pictures of my own Rooney brushes. Both are 3/1 with the block-letter logo and the US-style "sterilized" spelling. Apologies for the quality: I think Loric had better lighting, but mostly it's my poor photography. I did manage to turn on the macro mode, at least.

To me the hair on Loric's older Super looks much like my older Super, but mine has bloomed out somewhere in between his newer and older brushes. The Finest looks much denser that the older Super, but I'm not so sure how it compares to the newer Super hair.

For some much better pictures of the Finest in new condition, see: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=140788 - exactly 30000 threads ago.
To me the hair on Loric's older Super looks much like my older Super, but mine has bloomed out somewhere in between his newer and older brushes. The Finest looks much denser that the older Super, but I'm not so sure how it compares to the newer Super hair.

The new Super is closer in density to my 3/1 Finest, but the Finest is still denser.
Huh, looks like the new one is much more bulb shaped as well

FWIW, I don't have any experience with the older Rooney's, but I recently bought and sold a NIB 1/2, and it was more bulbous that I expected it to be. It looked very nearly the same shape as the pictures above.

Pic here.

- Jason
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