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Rooney Heritage Stubby vs. Two Tone

Are the Rooney Heritage Stubby brushes the same as the Heritage Two Tone "Stubbys"? The numbers look identical, but that does not mean they are in fact exactly the same. Has anyone got their hands on both styles?
It looks like they are using the older 3-band heritage hair rather than the new 2-band heritage hair.

I never tried the old 3-band heritage hair, but from the many positive reviews it got it seemed like it was a very dense brush with lots of backbone.

I have had a Stubby 2 and a Emillion in the new "2-band" hair and I found both to be not very dense and without much backbone.
I was thinking of both in size 3 in three band. They offer both in 3 band super. You are correct, the smaller Stubbys are two band, but the size 3 is the odd man out in 3.
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