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Rooney 3/1

Received a Rooney 3/1 Super in the mail yesterday and was blown away after using it this morning. Dense, springy, soft badger hairs with a perfect handle....woah :cool: I'm a one brush guy and my recent brushes include: Savile Row 3120, Duke 3 Best, Chubby 1 Super, EJ Super, EJ BBB. This brush combines some of the best elements of every brush I've used to date. wow. By the way, I purchased it from www.vintagebladesllc.com ... Vintage Blades is a great vendor that provides top notch customer service. Everytime I've called, Jim or Erin has provided outstanding customer service. This should definitely be on the radar for anyone looking for a new brush.
I have one too! Mine says Super on the handle, yet I find mine a little prickly at the tips. Is yours?

This is my second 3/1 after my first, a shedder, was replaced by a vendor here in UK. I'm positive the first brush wasn't as prickly, and was a tad denser.

I'm now wondering if the first brush was in fact Silvertip, and not Super, as the site I got them from lists the 3/1 brush as Silvertip, not Super, and is the same as the price I originally paid. This would explain the difference, although you'd think Super would be softer. Maybe they have sent Super both times by mistake, and that the difference is simply due to variences in hair batches, QC, and the individual assembling the knot.

I've been using a Rooney 3/1 super for over a year now. I use soap 80-90% of the time and face lather (soap & cream). It's a great brush and I find it works equally well with soap or cream.

I've never really taken to bowel lathering - way to messy for my liking.

I have a 3/1 finest and rate is as one of the bet all round brushes - great for soaps and creams and it doesn't use a ton of soap to make a decent amount of lather..
I've never really taken to bowel lathering - way to messy for my liking.

I have a 3/1 finest and rate is as one of the bet all round brushes - great for soaps and creams and it doesn't use a ton of soap to make a decent amount of lather..

I have to give face lathering a try then. Any great threads on this you have like great tutorials that have helped you out? sorry to hijack the thread! :biggrin:
Yeah, I've had my greedy eyes on the 3/1 for some time now. I had a 3/2 and found the knot to be too large for my liking. And I have a 1/1 but find the handle to be a little small for my liking. Seems like a 3/1 might be a good marriage of the two...
I only have two brushes, a Rooney 3/1 in super, and a BBE. The Rooney is the brush I use 90% of the time. I haven't used many other brushes, but the Rooney is just perfect for face lathering soaps. It's dense, holds a ton of lather, has great feel on my face and hasn't shed a single hair since I got it about a year ago. Since getting the Rooney, the BBE has been relegated to weekend shaves with creams.
The Rooney 3/1 is a great brush. I use it for both creams and soaps, although I'm almost exclusively a soap user now. I only use a cream if there's a scent I like that is not available in a soap (like Penhaligon's Opus 1870, for example). The Rooney is a keeper.
I only have two brushes, a Rooney 3/1 in super, and a BBE. The Rooney is the brush I use 90% of the time. I haven't used many other brushes, but the Rooney is just perfect for face lathering soaps. It's dense, holds a ton of lather, has great feel on my face and hasn't shed a single hair since I got it about a year ago. Since getting the Rooney, the BBE has been relegated to weekend shaves with creams.

Well, I came in to write something almost exactly like this. Redbike and I seem to have the exact same set up. Thanks for covering my bases for me, total stranger.

I recently bought a Rooney 3/1 in super silver myself and want to add my voice to the chorus of those singing the praises of this brush. Whips up a dense lather quickly and without overmuch effort; applies a nice thick layer of lather easily; applying a little pressure adds a nice scrubby/massaging feeling, so the bristles balance softness and firmness wonderfully. On top of that, I think it's an excellent value.

My other brush, a Merkur silvertip with a metal handle is a fine brush, but the Rooney is a cut above. If I hadn't been seduced by the picture of the Futur set—I plead noobdom (or is that noobdumb? :blushing::blushing:)
The Rooney 3/1 super was my first brush so it holds a soft spot in my heart. I now have over 20 brushes and so the 3/1 has become mostly a travel brush. In spite of that, I continue to marvel at what it provides at its price point and can say without hesitation that it is one of the best brushes for the buck out there. I travel quite a bit for work and enjoy using it whenever I hit the road. These days I find myself reaching mostly for my two band beauties but in all honesty have to admit that the 3/1 in super badger can give any brush a run for its money. I really need to get a 3/1 in finest to go along with my 1/1 and 2/1 finest brushes. There is just something about Rooney finest that does it for me.
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