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Rooney 3/1 Super or 3/2 Super?

Hey everybody,

I am looking for my first shave brush. I would like a brush that will last me a long time and will be capable of handling both cremes and soaps (likely with an emphasis on cremes). I have read all about the dangers of SBAD and I'd like to avoid them as long as possible by initially investing in a quality brush.

I have been reading the reviews here and like what I have read about the Rooney Supers. I have narrowed down my choices to the 3/1 or 3/2 and would like to know what you guys think of these brushes and, if you had to choose one over the other, which would you choose and why?

Also, if there are better choices than these out there for under $120 for my needs, please let me know.

All the best,

I have a 3/1 super and consider it the perfectly-balanced do-everything brush. I find it equally adept at soaps and creams, bowl lathering and face lathering. There is nothing it doesn't do satisfactorily or better. It's not the softest or the scrubbiest, not the best at creams or best at soaps, not the biggest or the smallest - it is just somewhere in the sweet spot of all those things. Rooney build and hair quality are both excellent.

And the price can't be beat.

Jim at Vintage Blades (I am in no way affiliated) is one of the best vendors on the net, and he'll do you a solid in choosing a Rooney that's right for your needs. Or, if you're really lucky, Erin will choose it for you. :w00t:
Can't go wrong with either. Some find the 1's on the small side, but when you see these brushes personally, they are very dense and far bigger than anything I've used before.

I got a 1/2 Super and the size one handle is perfect for my palm, it fits perfectly and provides a superb grip. Great for either soap or cream, but still has the backbone to load up soap off pucks.

If mostly for cream, you might find the extra density of the 3/2 a bit better for making up heaps of lather very quickly.
Personally, I'd pick the 3/1 as any Rooney size 1 seems to fit me like a glove. The 3/1 gets a lot of play as being a "soap brush," in that many of us who routinely/only face lather soap like Size 1 Rooney brushes, like the 1/1, 3/1, Stubby 1, etc. I have made a habit of suggesting either a 3/2 or a 2/1 (both similarly sized, if memory serves) for those who aren't specifically saying "soaps are my bag." Both of those are brushes that can do either soaps or creams and have a slightly larger handle so you can comfortably bowl lather with them if you'd like.
I have alot of brushes, including a 1/1 and 1/2. However, my best all around brush is the Rooney 3/1. Big enough handle for the bowl, small enough knot for the soaps. No to mention the handle fits me well. I do not have a style 2to compare to.
I have a 3/1 and a 3/2 in Super. They are both great, it just comes down to how big a brush you want. I find the 3/1 is probably a little more manageable and fits my hand well. I don't have particularly large hands, by the way. I don't think you can go wrong with either, but I would probably lean to the 3/1.
Hey everybody,

Thanks for all the good advice. It sounds like I really cannot go wrong with either of these brushes. I think that the 21mm knot of the 3/1 would be just right for me (I am not a big guy and I don't want to be overwhelmed by my own shaving brush).

So, thanks again and boy am I looking forward to learning the art of wetshaving with a great brush (at least from my perspective) like the Rooney. Admittedly, their Finest brushes are very nice but I doubt I will ever feel compelled to spend that much on a brush - now just watch me having to someday wash my mouth out with shaving soap after I eat those words :lol:

All the best,

I know I at first thought big must be better and went for the biggest knot size I felt comfortable spending money on. In the long run I sold off all my badger brushes except for two Rooney size one brushes. (I also have a couple of boar brushes.) Turns out that bigger isn't always better and there is a "Goldilocks" size, not too big and not too small, that differs from one person to another.

So, both are really good brushes and as you can see which size is preferable is a matter of personal choice. The best course seems to be to go for the least expensive as you are about as likely to prefer either one.
Hey everybody,

I've been reading through a lot of other threads and came across the commentary that Rooney's can be tough/rough on the face because they don't want to release the lather. Is this really the case? I am looking for a brush that won't irritate so these comments got me a little worried (lucky I haven't placed my order yet).
Hey everybody,

I've been reading through a lot of other threads and came across the commentary that Rooney's can be tough/rough on the face because they don't want to release the lather. Is this really the case?


The larger Rooneys have a rep for being "lather hogs" and at least my size 2 confirmed that rep. But this is not really a big deal. It just means you need to load it up with a little more soap than you might first expect.

There is noting about that that is "rough on the face".
The Rooney 3/1 super silvertip also gets my vote. For me it's perfect. I don't find it rough on my face, quite the opposite.
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