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Rooney 3/1 Silvertip in Horn - First Impressions

As some of you may know from an earlier thread, I was looking for a brush to replace/supplement my Simpsons Special in Best. The biggest factors in choosing another brush were that it be good for face lathering and have more backbone than my Special. While there were a lot of suggestions, I found this Rooney 3/1 Silvertip in Horn listed in the Shaving Mall Buy/Sell/Trade and decided to give it a try.

Today was my first time to use it, and "wow"! Here are my initial thoughts.
1. Great looking handle and knot. Very well made.
2. Loft and handle size are perfect for me.
3. More backbone and density than my Special.
4. Softer on the face.
5. Great for face lathering. Keeps tons of lather, but gives it up freely.

While I was thinking that I would stick with a Simpson, I am completely satisfied with the Rooney and feel that I got a heck of a brush for the price. While the retail on this brush is about 2x the cost of a Special, you can definitely understand why. I wonder what I would get from the right brush at 2x ($160) the cost of this one. If the improvement experienced is as great as that between the Special and Rooney, I am in big trouble.
Mainly what you get is a larger or denser knot. Some have a strong preference for that and others like smaller brushes. The Rooney Super is great hair that easily makes very good lather so enjoy it.
I wonder what I would get from the right brush at 2x ($160) the cost of this one. If the improvement experienced is as great as that between the Special and Rooney, I am in big trouble.
The 3/1 was my gateway brush to the world of M&F. That's what's waiting for you in the wormhole. I mainly use my 3/1 now for creams for all the reasons you stated.
I've got the same brush in the same horn handle, and it's terrific - as you say, it's really well made and feels like quality.

In fact, I like the 3/1 so much I got it in Best (Ivory) and Pure (White) too. The Best is not so far from Silvertip really, and is great when I want a bit less of the softness. I also do like to use an exfoliating scritchy brush from time to time, and the 3/1 Pure is by far the best of its class I've tried - it's not as scritchy as the cheaper Pure brushes, but it has a nice exfoliating feel.

My dream now is to find a 3/1 Finest, with a black handle - oh, and for less than $100 :biggrin1:
Thanks for the responses guys. I am liking this brush more and more with each use.
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