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Rooney 1 medium vs Duke 3

I can't speak for the Rooney 1/2 that you're talking about but I did have a Rooney 1/1 that I liked quite a bit, and also have a Duke 3. I face lather exclusively with soaps, and the hair on the Rooney was slightly softer, no issue with either brush loading enough soap. But in the end I sold the Rooney a few months ago and kept the Duke as my daily brush. If I would have had a Rooney 1/2 I would probably still have both brushes, I just preferred the larger knot of the Duke. I don't think you can go wrong with either brush.
I would choose the Rooney. I think the fit, finish, overall quality, and consistency of their brushes is something that Simpsons cannot match. It's really not even close.

When you buy a Rooney, you know you're getting an excellent brush. When you buy a Simpsons Best, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. These knots are all over the place.
What I was told was Duke was a denser brush than Rooney so I think it will be better for face lather. Go for the Duke if you able to hand pick a nice one. Rooney is still a good choice too.
The Rooney Super is softer than the Simpson Best. It's a little more of luxurious feel. I enjoy both brushes and Peter nailed it, it's a coin flip. I disagree with NSmalls on this issue of quality as I think that Simpson makes the best handles in the business.
IMHO, keep the Duke 3, no question. My Rooney super badger 1/2 is indeed soft, a bit softer than the Duke. But the lack of backbone that makes the Rooney floppy is a real turn-off for me. Duke is a terrific all around brush.
I had a Duke 2 in best. Way to scritchy for me so I gave it away. I have a Chubby 2 in best that is not scritchy at all. Simpson best hair can go either way. It's the luck of the draw.
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