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Rooney 1/1 Silvertip Advice

I very interested in picking up one of these as I love the handles of the Rooney style 1.

Should I look in a different direction since I'm primarily a soap/face latherer or is the silvertip knot short and dense enough to satisfy my preferences?

Please chime in asap. I'd like to be able to place the order tonight if I have enough info.



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I have Rooneys in both Style 1 Size 1 and 2. I don't think I've face-lathered with the 1/1 in Silvertip; however, I'm sure it would work fine. The one I have in Super 3-band (with "Old Style" label) has plenty of backbone. If you're pretty sure you'd be happy with a knot that size, I expect you'd do fine with it. Like you, I love that handle shape.

Good luck!
I have a Rooney 3/1. It's a small but great face lathering brush. I call it medium density with adequate backbone (not floppy, but not stiff), nice flow through and really soft tips. I face lather pretty much all of the time. Whether it's dense enough for you is anybody's guess. You'll have to take a chance. It's not as dense as a Simpson Duke series, but it's more dense than a Vulfix if that helps you decide.


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I have a Rooney 3/1. It's a small but great face lathering brush. I call it medium density with adequate backbone (not floppy, but not stiff), nice flow through and really soft tips. I face lather pretty much all of the time. Whether it's dense enough for you is anybody's guess. You'll have to take a chance. It's not as dense as a Simpson Duke series, but it's more dense than a Vulfix if that helps you decide.

+1 re the 3/1, which I have in Silvertip. The 1/1 should serve equally well.
The 1/1 with a 22/45mm (as you can find them on VintageBlades) will do a good job with soaps and creams and works well for face lathering. There are also some Style 1 with a higher loft (e.g. T&H) and those do less well with hard soaps.
Rooney may not have the backbone of some Simpsons, but I like all 3 of my Rooney silvertips for face lathering soaps, including the 1/1. I'm not sure how much density or backbone you're looking for in a brush. The 1/1 will splay more on the face than a Duke 2 or 3, but not as much as a Duke 1. The 1/1 handle is also very comfortable to hold. You can save a little money with T&H using the B&B discount, but I go with Vintage Blades if in stock. Both my 1/1 and 3/1 came from VB. My 1/2 came from T&H.
I have one and it is one of my favorites for sure!!
I have a Rooney 1/1 and it works great for me, no problem face lathering hard soaps like MWF, or D.R. Harris. As mentioned, it's not as dense as say a Simpson Duke, but it's a great little brush with very soft tips, and has plenty of backbone for loading hard soaps.

Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for the heads up regarding the variance in lofts between the different vendors. I'm heading to Vintage Blades now...

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