As a result of some excellent input I received from y'all on a recent thread, I bought a Rooney 1/1 Super. First, I have to say that even after only 2 shaves, I love this brush. But the reason for this post is to query other Rooney 1/1 owners to see if you are a face or a bowl latherer. I used to be the latter but have found with the 1/1, I do much better lathering on my face. I know, it's a new brush, and I need to spend some time with it to learn it and break it in, but my preference change was so profound, I thought I'd ask others what they do.

...and a special thanks to Andy for sharing his first hand experience with his Rooney 1/1 Super and comparisons to other brushes.

...and a special thanks to Andy for sharing his first hand experience with his Rooney 1/1 Super and comparisons to other brushes.
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