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Rooney 1/1 - Face or Bowl

As a result of some excellent input I received from y'all on a recent thread, I bought a Rooney 1/1 Super. First, I have to say that even after only 2 shaves, I love this brush. But the reason for this post is to query other Rooney 1/1 owners to see if you are a face or a bowl latherer. I used to be the latter but have found with the 1/1, I do much better lathering on my face. I know, it's a new brush, and I need to spend some time with it to learn it and break it in, but my preference change was so profound, I thought I'd ask others what they do.
...and a special thanks to Andy for sharing his first hand experience with his Rooney 1/1 Super and comparisons to other brushes.
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I a noob too about 4 months in. Started with bowl lathering and can easily make the "meringue" looking lather from the mantic videos. However, about a month in, I faced lathered with a chubby1 and a shave stick. There has been no going back for me. I LOVE to make the lather a very dense, slick, almost "vaseline" like consistency face lathering -- something I was never able to duplicate with a bowl. YMMV-I have found that the things that work for me are not necessarily the recommendations or what work for others. Once I started faced lathering I don't like creams anymore either. That may change as my love of different razors changes with each new RAD purchase ;)
I have a rooney 1/2, so it isnt an exact comparison. But I too much prefer face lathering with it than bowl.
I never was much of a face lather before I got my 1/1 now I would say I do it most of the time and almost always with the 1/1
Face... but than again, with any brush, I've used a bowl once in the last few months so I'm not really competent...:smile:
As a result of some excellent input I received from y'all on a recent thread, I bought a Rooney 1/1 Super. First, I have to say that even after only 2 shaves, I love this brush. But the reason for this post is to query other Rooney 1/1 owners to see if you are a face or a bowl latherer. I used to be the latter but have found with the 1/1, I do much better lathering on my face. I know, it's a new brush, and I need to spend some time with it to learn it and break it in, but my preference change was so profound, I thought I'd ask others what they do.
...and a special thanks to Andy for sharing his first hand experience with his Rooney 1/1 Super and comparisons to other brushes.

Any time. That's a fantastic brush. I face lather mostly (also because of my 1/1), but if I have some extra time to spend on it, I'll occasionally mix up a bowl.

I face lather with mine. It is a great brush for my situation, face lather with soaps. I don't even use creams anymore.
I'm another 1/2 owner. Before I bought it, I always lathered in a bowl. Now, I stay on the face about 90% of the time, especially with the Rooney. Great brush, I couldn't be more pleased.
The #1/1 is really geared towards face lathering because (1) it has a shorter loft, which generally works better on the face than the bowl and (2) it has a stubby handle that is difficult to manage if your bowl has any depth, what-so-ever. Oh, I forgot to mention (3) because face lathering is better than bowl lathering :wink::tongue:
I got the style 2 for the longer handle specifically to be able to use a bowl. With my large hands, a 1/1 would need a very short bowl, indeed. More like a saucer.

Even though I use a bowl, I still spend about half a minute whipping it up a little more on my face. With my old floppy brush, I had to dig my fingers into the brush to work the lather in.
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Let me say that I LOVE my Rooney 1/1. To answer your question, face lather. I've always used soaps though and started out face lathering, so I find it awkward to lather in a bowl.:biggrin:
which 1/1 should i get? should i avoid the finest and go for super?

After reading many posts on the subject, the general opinion is that the finest version is a fantastic brush. However, Jim at Vintage Blades LLC recommends starting with the super if you haven't owned a Rooney before. You might be very impressed with the super and may not need the finest. Not to mention you'll save yourself over $100. If you want to make the switch, i'm sure you can find a willing buyer on the B/S/T for your super. Good luck!
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