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rolls razor shopping tips?

So, after building up a bit of experience with DEs and SEs I think I'm interested in trying out a rolls. However, as there appear to be more variables to consider in terms of the razor's condition (the blade, strop, hone, etc.) as compared to a DE/SE razor, I was curious if anyone might be inclined to offer some advice to someone looking to pick up his first rolls.

In short, I'm curious to know what I should be looking for (both good and bad) and what questions I should be asking a seller before purchasing one. Also, any opinion as to a ballpark price for one that's in good or great condition would be appreciated.

Lastly, and this should probably go in the BST forum but if any experienced rolls user has one he'd be willing to sell to a newb, I'd certainly be interested.

Thanks as always.
First and foremost is to make sure teh hone is not cracked...I speak from experience, these are fragile and managed to crack the hone on one of mine because I had not greased the track the sharpener runs in.

If the home and strop are OK, ask to see an enlargement of the blade's edge. I have 8 complete Rolls razor sets (well one with a cracked home now) and some of the blades are in great shape, while others are pitted and jagged on the edge. Best bet is to buy the best one you can on E-bay; which means the one with the clearest pictures, so you know what you are buying.

The common ones come in two varieties, the standard model (don't have the book with me so bear with my description) and the Viscount. The latter is streamlined and lighter as it is made of aluminum, instead of steel with a nickel coat. There are gold and silver plated ones out there but they do go for a pretty penny.

As an alternatice, you might want ot look at a Wilkinson 7-day set. They are cheap right now for some reason and have 7 blades to work with. No hone comes with the set but there are a bunch of folks here who can advise you how to sharpen the blades.

Good luck
I would recomend the Rolls Razor Social Group here on B&B. The guys can answer any questions you may have regarding the Rolls.

It's a wonderful razor and when put back in new condition will give shaves as close a Straight Razor.

I'll send you an invitation.

Best Regards: john

PS: I have a link listed below.

So, after building up a bit of experience with DEs and SEs I think I'm interested in trying out a rolls. However, as there appear to be more variables to consider in terms of the razor's condition (the blade, strop, hone, etc.) as compared to a DE/SE razor, I was curious if anyone might be inclined to offer some advice to someone looking to pick up his first rolls.

In short, I'm curious to know what I should be looking for (both good and bad) and what questions I should be asking a seller before purchasing one. Also, any opinion as to a ballpark price for one that's in good or great condition would be appreciated.

Lastly, and this should probably go in the BST forum but if any experienced rolls user has one he'd be willing to sell to a newb, I'd certainly be interested.

Thanks as always.
Can not name the model of Rolls Razor, but I saw one locally that was still in the shipper, all packing materials in place etc. with no or low usage. They were asking $45 and I passed cause I knew nothing about this razor except what it was.

Now for the unfair question, think it's worth $45?...:blushing:
Can not name the model of Rolls Razor, but I saw one locally that was still in the shipper, all packing materials in place etc. with no or low usage. They were asking $45 and I passed cause I knew nothing about this razor except what it was.

Now for the unfair question, think it's worth $45?...:blushing:
The common ones come in two varieties, the standard model (don't have the book with me so bear with my description) and the Viscount. The latter is streamlined and lighter as it is made of aluminum, instead of steel with a nickel coat. There are gold and silver plated ones out there but they do go
I've got a few, they are a lot more common in the UK and the colonies.
The viscount has a different shape case, different latches to release the sides, a single row of scrolls embossed on the lids, and an aluminium stropping handle, but does come in a chrome plated steel case and razor handle as well as aluminium too.
I always thought the viscount was named because of it's different shape, not just because it was aluminium and the imperial was steel. All viscounts have an aluminium stropping handle though. But some viscounts had a steel case, and some imperials had a aluminium case and handle.

I've got 2 chrome/steel imperial no2 sets (only one of them is good, the other has a broken spring and loose pin to mount the blade), 2 chrome/steel viscount sets (one shown in the photos below, the other has some rust spot on the case - that is the one I plan to shave with), and 1 aluminium imperial no2 set ( broken honing stone, buggered strop and blade spring as I swapped out parts for the other steel cased rolls).

Isn't there also imperial no3 sets I've heard (aren't they the ones with the extendable razor handle?) And I'm not sure, but maybe there's one that came out before the common imperial no2?

I'll take photos and post them soon on what I have (chrome/steel viscount and imperial no2).
I have 5 rolls because you need spares, ie one of my good cases had a broken strop spring, one had a rusted razor, one had a stuffed strop, one had a broken honing stone. I stripped the aluminium imperial no2 for parts.
So I've got 1 good viscount, one good imperial no2, one shave grade viscount (rusting on the case though). The other two I bought just donated parts and spare blades.

edit: here's my best imperial no2 and viscount. Both chrome cases, steel (except for the stropping handle on the viscount which is alu).






here's and all aluminium imperial no2

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+1 on joining the Rolls user group!! ALWAYS make sure the shaving handle is included!!! I have seen many listed as "complete" w/out the handle!! I believe many sellers simply don't know what the handle is. Hope you find a nice one!!


Honestly, I have bought and sold excellent condition Rolls sets for about $25USD. First, make sure the set is complete. Strop, hone, blade with safety bar piece, razor handle. Number one make sure the strop and hone are in VERY good condition. Next, check for brassing or discolouring on the set. Try to see how much wear is on the blade or if it has been honed improperly. Little tarnish on the silver can be cleaned. The box or outer cases and instructions is nice but only needed for collection purposes. Some sets include an extra blade. That is always a bonus. If the internals of the case(s) look clean the mechanism should work fine. The wiki here has all the info needed to shave and to maintain the razor. Just go to evil bay, have a set of standards for the condition, bid conservative till you get one. There isn't a huge interest so with patience you should get one at a great price.
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