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Rolling Tobacco Query

Hello all. New here, and just wanted to say thank you for a great site. An hour's read has already transformed my shaving experience!

Anyhow, I post to see if anyone can help with a query. I'm in the US and a friend from the UK is moving here. He smokes a rolling tobacco sold in the UK called "Golden Virginia." Oddly (given the name) it's apparently not available here other than as a very expensive import. Can anyone with tobacco knowledge suggest a very similar tobacco that is readily available in the US? Or failing that, could someone suggest a site where I might better look for that information. Thanks for your patience, and best regards Keith
Peter Stokkebye produces some top notch rolling tobaccos.... i would definitely look into those

I used to roll Gawith, Hoggarth & co's Dark Birdseye (a potent flue cured VA) but it's just super strong so a few puffs and my throat was shot, anded up mixing it with some of the lighter rolling tobaccos but never found the perfect mix
Thanks Joshua - I'll check that. He's actually got some lung problems (don't ask or comment, please!!!) and can only smoke a very light tobacco, which is why he likes "Golden Virginia." Still would welcome any suggestions about main-stream brands - if there are any. Many thanks. Keith
sorry to hear about his lung issues, some very mild tobacos from Stokkebye are his oriental rolling blends. will be very different taste-wise from the Golden VA he's used to but most should be mild enough.
There aren't many "light" rolling tobaccos. In my opinion it doesn't get too much better than Bali Shag Red, even if it used to be different (i.e. better).

If he doesn't mind a halfzware, then I highly recommend Bali Shag Light in the white pouch. I didn't really get around to trying the Stokkebye tobaccos as they were only available in large amounts at my local tobacconist. Knowing some of Stokkebyes pipe tobaccos, I would say the rolling stuff should be good going by name alone.

Stay away from American Spirit rolling tobacco. Hard to keep lit, burns hot and dry as well. Usually strong.

The best recommendation would have been Three Castles, but sadly it's been impossible to find for a long time here in the States.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
+1 on Bali Shag.

I have quit cigs for several years now, but the sight of that packet on the shelf of the tobacconist still gives me pangs.
There aren't many "light" rolling tobaccos. In my opinion it doesn't get too much better than Bali Shag Red, even if it used to be different (i.e. better).

If he doesn't mind a halfzware, then I highly recommend Bali Shag Light in the white pouch. I didn't really get around to trying the Stokkebye tobaccos as they were only available in large amounts at my local tobacconist. Knowing some of Stokkebyes pipe tobaccos, I would say the rolling stuff should be good going by name alone.

Stay away from American Spirit rolling tobacco. Hard to keep lit, burns hot and dry as well. Usually strong.

The best recommendation would have been Three Castles, but sadly it's been impossible to find for a long time here in the States.

oooh yeah, Bali shag - didn't even think of that!!! or Samson halfzware shag - when I resided in Amsterdam that''s ALL we smoked. err, well not *ALL* but as far as RYO! :001_unsur

and I too am not a fan of American spirit, never got to try their RYO tobacco but from what I understand, they strong armed some of the few remaining perique producers in St James parish, LA several years back - so I just dislike the company in general. almost glad to hear their RYO can't stay lit. hehe
Samson halfzware shag was my RYO of choice for a long while. It still is the one my brother prefers to smoke.
Thanks to all for your replies - much appreciated. He finds the Dutch Samson a bit rough - so we'll give the Bali Shag a go. Again I appreciate the tips.
Best to all. Keith
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