Hello all. New here, and just wanted to say thank you for a great site. An hour's read has already transformed my shaving experience!
Anyhow, I post to see if anyone can help with a query. I'm in the US and a friend from the UK is moving here. He smokes a rolling tobacco sold in the UK called "Golden Virginia." Oddly (given the name) it's apparently not available here other than as a very expensive import. Can anyone with tobacco knowledge suggest a very similar tobacco that is readily available in the US? Or failing that, could someone suggest a site where I might better look for that information. Thanks for your patience, and best regards Keith
Anyhow, I post to see if anyone can help with a query. I'm in the US and a friend from the UK is moving here. He smokes a rolling tobacco sold in the UK called "Golden Virginia." Oddly (given the name) it's apparently not available here other than as a very expensive import. Can anyone with tobacco knowledge suggest a very similar tobacco that is readily available in the US? Or failing that, could someone suggest a site where I might better look for that information. Thanks for your patience, and best regards Keith