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Rocket find

The other day I was browsing through an auction site and saw this listed as an HD Rocket.. negh! thats just a grubby SS.
Luckily I stopped and took a closer look, mmm it is a rocket, flare tip, - so I put in a bid. and won -
Here's what it turned out to be :-
A TV Rocket !! :thumbup:.
Almost mint when cleaned up.
Mr razor shows this type as a 1958, can anyone tell me if that were the only year these were made?
Nice find. I have a great looking '58 TV SS. Yes, I believe the TV SS (and TV Rocket, presumably) in this style were produced only in 1958. There is also a 1954 style SS that looks like the 40s style SS.
1958 (D-1-D-4) some had a special handle design and were sold in a promotion with the Gillette Cavalcade of sports, these are the "TV Special"

The British made TV Rocket is the only one that is Rhodium plated.

Alex is right. The handle is what makes the 58 British TV Special...well...special. The handle is rhodium with the rest of the razor being nickel plated. I picked one up a few years ago. It's a great shave. I have a feeling that a lot of these get mislabeled as a regular rocket as people don't know how to tell the difference between the two.
Alex is right. The handle is what makes the 58 British TV Special...well...special. The handle is rhodium with the rest of the razor being nickel plated. I picked one up a few years ago. It's a great shave. I have a feeling that a lot of these get mislabeled as a regular rocket as people don't know how to tell the difference between the two.




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Flare tip rocket is one of my all time favorite razors.

it always gives me an amazing shave, while also feeling great in my hand.

great find and nice score. Enjoy that little razor, it's a beauty.
Thanks for the info all, I can't wait to try it but I'm experimenting with a my first feather in a 66 SS to see how it lasts using every other day exactly the same each time, 4 shaves so far which is more than any other DE's have lasted for me. I've been working through a sampler though - most of which I'm using once before throwing as I already know they're no good second time round (I can't bear to throw any away unused:glare:.)

Cheers for the scan Achim. It confirms in writing what many other sites and threads only speculate about (Rhodium handle):thumbup1:
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