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RIP Sheaffer Targa

It finally happened.

Thursday night, I was getting ready for work the next day and took out the Targa.

I'll give you the Readers Condensed version: As I was getting ready to test the Nib on some paper, it slipped from my hand and landed Nib First on a hardwood floor. :cursing::scared::crying::001_unsur
I hear the faint sounds of taps playing In the distance, a sad sad day sorry to hear about your loss Lou, on the plus side

New pen !
Naaaah, nibs are easy to fix. Send it off to a nibmeister or do it yourself. You *will* need something to hold you over in the meantime, though.

[belushi]TARGA! TARGA! TARGA![/belushi]
Oh my gosh--it's the B&B Sheaffer equilibrium. I just got a Sheaffer Targa from my brother. That meant that one here had to die. Sorry!

On the serious side, if the nib is still relatively intact, you might have some hope. I had a Montblanc Noblesse that my father-in-law dropped onto a steel deck. The nib was bent like a lightening bolt. A resourceful engineer, he straightened it out himself but it was completely screwed up. Mike Masuyama took it off to his workshop and worked his magic on it. I don't know what he did, but it's completely fixed now. Don't despair!
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Thought I heard something. This explains it. I agree with James, to honor its memory you need to buy a new pen!

I hear the faint sounds of taps playing In the distance, a sad sad day sorry to hear about your loss Lou, on the plus side

New pen !
John Mottishaw at nibs.com (some impressive stuff)
Mike Masuyama at mikeitwork.com (if he does that sort of repair... i don't know... he does respond to emails quickly, though.)
Greg Minuskin may be able to repair it (gregminuskin.com)

John Mottishaw has restored some vintage pens for me, and he did a good job. There may be cheaper options out there, but he does good work.

I don't know what size nib it was, but Teri Morris at Peyton Street Pens has some NOS medium Targa nibs for sale for $25.

I've bought a few NOS pens from her and she is a great seller. I just bought a SHEAFFER IMPERIAL 827 FOUNTAIN PEN - NOS "SECONDS" (meaning that it was less than perfect) and the nib was a skipping on the upstroke so Teri asked me to send it back to have it tuned or replaced. No affiliation with Teri or her store, just a happy customer.

Thanks for all the responses and kind words, Gents.

I figured it was time to upload a few photos.


The pen writes, but it is scratchy. :(
I had a pen do that once... I carefully fixed it myself, but it wasn't as nice a pen as yours... and I like to tinker anyway figure if anything went wrong I could always make a great thread on here lol

Don't imagine that would work for you Lou so I say send it out... it doesn't look all that bad
I'm interested as well the sheaffer and parker I bought I would prefer someone better then I to do the nibs.. although the parker also needs its vac internals done
From the pictures the feed seems to lay directly on the nib so flow should not be a problem. A slight bending of the tines to line them up and a regap with a brass sheet. a buff of the iridium and youse should be done.
That brings up a good question, maybe a first for me wow lol, what tools do you use to adjust nibs or align for stuff like this... and where does one get a brass sheet? I'd love to start playing around learning to do this and I have some pens I could sacrifice during the learning process
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