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Richwood find, how to clean it upp?

Found this lovely DE today.
Its in exelent condition and just neds a good cleanup.
It feels like 100% quality, made in US.
It got some greencorrosion i belive it is.
What should I use, Brasspolish?

Look at this beauty, no marks, no bent teath.

Soak it in hot water with dishwashing soap for a few hours, and scrub it gently with a soft-bristle toothbrush.

See what it looks like after that.

Do NOT use Brasso or another brass polisher on it.
That box is in nice shape too. Beware, the printing on the inside will come off easily so do not rub it. I recommend a wood cleaner like Orange Glo or one of the others and the box will look great.

I was thinking of buying the most likely exact same razor but decided not to bid on it! I see your bids on almost everything shaving related at Tradera :lol:
The razor hs not been clean yet, have ben working like crazy the last 2 days (29hours !).
have to wor k today to, but will not work so long so problably there will be time in the afternoon to get the razor done.

Will clen the box up as well, will be carefull ezmike.
Now shes in the bath whit toilett cleaner, in one hour Im going to take her up and brush her teeth.
Pics will come later today.
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Now its cleaned.
Going to shave with it after posting this.

It didnt get s shiny as I wanted, any tips how to get it to shine?
Is it solid brass or brassplated?
I believe its made in 1921 acording to the datecode.

Thanks guys for al the help.

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Just shaved with the Richwood, no nics or cuts but some razorburn.
I think this razor is a close shaver with a lot of blade exposure, it feels great in the hand and makes nice sound.
I used blue Personas and will try Feathers next time.
I really like this razor and how it sounds.
It is brass plated with gold by the looks of it.
+1 This is why you should avoid harsh abrasive cleaners. The layering of gold is so thin that it will basically evaporate with an abrasive cleaner. The wood can be cleaned with Murphy's Oil Soap. It's great stuff and will make the wood just glow, but I don't know if you can get it where you are. Murphy's Oil Soap is what I remember my mother and my wife's mother using to clean wood.
Will try to get hold of some oilsoap or something similar for the box, thanks for the advise.

Was thinking about to remove all the goldplaiting since I have no intention of replate the razor,
Is there someone who have done that before ?
whats the pros and cons of removing al the gold?

+1 This is why you should avoid harsh abrasive cleaners. The layering of gold is so thin that it will basically evaporate with an abrasive cleaner. The wood can be cleaned with Murphy's Oil Soap. It's great stuff and will make the wood just glow, but I don't know if you can get it where you are. Murphy's Oil Soap is what I remember my mother and my wife's mother using to clean wood.
I don't know if I would remove the gold. You would just end up with a brass razor. I think clean with patina as you have it now is perfect if you do not intend to replate it, although that is an excellent candidate for a replate.

You are right about the razor's aggressiveness also. This one will bite and requires a bit of care.
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