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Rhodium replated Slim Adjustable - Photos

Cosecut61 replated my birthyear (3d quarter, 1962) Slim Adjustable in rhodium. It wasn't in bad condition to start with, but it is spectacular now. I wish I looked as good after 50 years. The work is excellent and was done quickly.

Since it doesn't exist without pictures, here they are.


$IMAG1356.jpg$IMAG1343 (1).jpg$IMAG1351.jpg
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Dave, aka Closecut61, did it. He is here; just look for his posts.

Thanks! Guess if I would have paid attention a little more to your first post I would have seen that. :001_unsur I will have to contact him as I have a slim that I have been thinking about replating, and yours looks great.
Dave did the Rhodium replating on my birth-quarter Slim, too. Not only is it beautiful, that razor gives me the best shave yet. So Kudos to Dave and to Gillette for making a really great razor.

Congrats, on such a beauty, Isn't it awesome to shave with something on the year and Quarter you were born with? Something about that makes it Special :thumbup:
That is a keeper!!
If i can find something in my birthyear and quarter, i'd have it rhodium plated aswell.
Dave does outstanding work as I just got my Gillette Fat Boy back that he did in Rhodium. I am so glade that I paid a little more to have it plated in Rhodium and for those that are trying to decide just go ahead and get the Rhodium plate.
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