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Reversing the zones

I had an insight which I put into practice for the first time today.
Normally I follow the conventional face zone order when shaving: face then jawline/upper neck then neck/adam's apple level. I found that water dripping down from the rinsed razor would remove the lather from areas below, which was particularly annoying around the jawline which often needs to be relathered. So why not work from the bottom up rather than top down?
I tried it this morning; started with the lower neck, then jaw line, then face. It worked very well, I could see exactly where I had been on a pass, I ended up only doing two passes on the jawline and the extra time given for lather to penetrate the chin zone (last one shaved) I think is an advantage in what is often a problem area for me.
Anyone else work bottom up?
I think the reason for the top-down convention is that shaving the neck area last gives more time for the lather to soften the beard on the neck, resulting is less irritation and better shave. But, as always, do whatever works best for you.

Maybe your razor is too wet or your lather is too thin.
I think the reason for the top-down convention is that shaving the neck area last gives more time for the lather to soften the beard on the neck, resulting is less irritation and better shave. But, as always, do whatever works best for you.

Maybe your razor is too wet or your lather is too thin.

After a quick virgorous rinse of the razor head, I shake it so that very little, if any, water will drip down my face. I never seem to have a problem with the lather being "washed away".

As well, I prefer to leave the neck area to condition longer.
If that works for you then that's great. There's nothing in stone that says you must shave a certain way. I've shaved different parts of my beard in whatever order seems right for that shave. I always leave the lather on for a few before I begin shaving, so I'm pretty confident that all parts of my beard are getting a through softening from the lather.
I start by shaving my neck, too. I don't have any issues with water dripping off my razor, but I find my lather to be at its peak slickness and cushion right after I finish lathering.

Whatever works best for you!
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