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Return to the Lather Bowl

I've been face lathering exclusively for a while now, but today I decided to try the bowl again, using Jim's method. I have to say, I think it was worth a couple of extra minutes. I just felt that the lather was thicker, richer, and a bit more protective.

Anyway, just thought I'd share and get the group's opinion.
Agree. A bowl (now scuttle) makes it easier for me to get and keep the amount of water right. And, it's warm! )
I've been face lathering exclusively for a while now, but today I decided to try the bowl again ...

So did I!

I too am/was a convinced face latherer but decided to use a bowl today and I liked it.
I was looking for a smaller new brush just for face lathering but I'm revising my previous choice.
Instead for an 20-22mm silvertip, I will probably go for a big 26mm silvertip D01 from Shavemac and a smaller finest badger of 22mm.

What do you think made the difference for you? i.e. What were the "mistakes" you were making? (That might be helpful for others to know.)
I did the exact same thing...I started with the bowl, but went to face lathering exclusively for almost a year, but was finding it difficult to get perfect lather for the duration of my shave. I went back to the bowl recently, and have been getting GREAT results. I thought I'd miss all the face time with the brush, but it takes two minutes to get great lather, and I can still scrub all I want, so it doesn't matter...much love for the Rooney Finest!

It's so much easier to get it exactly the way you want it, and it's easy to adjust as you go. When I was face lathering, the first pass was great, the next good, and the rest were either too dry or too fluffy or too thin. Now, I just work the bowl for a bit, and produce a little bit more than I need. Each pass, I rewhip for a few go-rounds to restore the balance, so to speak, and every pass is the same...slick, thick, and creamy. My wife is annoyed to see the bowl in the bathroom again, but that's too bad, lol.
I went from bowl lathering almost exclusively to face lathering exclusively. Now I just bought a Georgetown Scuttle G5 and refurbished a brush, so I'm using them exclusively.
I was face lathering, but just recently put together a cool make shift scuttle.
Now I'm loving the bowl mix....and the hot lather....YES!

I'm McLovin it!!!!!!
I've only tried face lathering a couple of times and found it to irritate my face. I've not tried it since acquiring Shavemac silvertip brushes though. I find making the lather in the bowl to be fun. Plus, it gives me the luxury of stuffing my nose in the bowl to smell the lather between passes.:thumbup:
Me to also:

Scuttle, then face lathering with scuttle warming up my brush between passes to both, the best of both worlds:thumbup:
I am also a bowl guy. I will face lather at times (traveling, camping with a stick) and sometimes home. I always go back to bowl lathering one because I like the hot lather and two because as you say, the lather is better. I think the whipping in a bowl allows the lather to become infused with just enough air to lighten it up. I also think it is much easier to control the amount of water added while building which will produce a much more consistent lather.

Face lathering is great on the quick but there simply nothing like a bowl full of warm luxurious lather IMHO of coarse.

What do you think made the difference for you? i.e. What were the "mistakes" you were making? (That might be helpful for others to know.)

I think I was just letting myself get too rushed in the morning. I had gotten to the point where I could build a decent lather on my face, so I decided to save a few seconds. After I tried the bowl again I realized that the extra minute or two (literally) can make a huge difference.
I have a brush scuttle and bowl. I whip up the lather in the bowl, but keep my brush in the scuttle. I get the best of both doing this.
I did the exact same thing...I started with the bowl, but went to face lathering exclusively for almost a year, but was finding it difficult to get perfect lather for the duration of my shave. I went back to the bowl recently, and have been getting GREAT results. I thought I'd miss all the face time with the brush, but it takes two minutes to get great lather, and I can still scrub all I want, so it doesn't matter...much love for the Rooney Finest!

It's so much easier to get it exactly the way you want it, and it's easy to adjust as you go. When I was face lathering, the first pass was great, the next good, and the rest were either too dry or too fluffy or too thin. Now, I just work the bowl for a bit, and produce a little bit more than I need. Each pass, I rewhip for a few go-rounds to restore the balance, so to speak, and every pass is the same...slick, thick, and creamy. My wife is annoyed to see the bowl in the bathroom again, but that's too bad, lol.


I was a bowl guy, but have been face lathering fior quite some time now. I'm intrigued by this thread.

I constantly tweak my lather during the shave. I'll reload the brush from the soap as needed between, or during passes, add water, whatever it takes.
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