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restoring advice

I acquired a vintage Russian strop and am going to try and restore it. The leather is in good shape and there are good instructions/pics on how to fix it up.

Does anyone have advice (and maybe some pics) of restorations of linen? The linen is stiff and very dirty (has a shiny appearance over it). I've read the some people soak their linen in woolite but that seems to be for maintenance. I'm open to any suggestions be for I screw this up.
Here are some before photos of the linen. Pretty nasty.

$strop linen 1.jpg
$linen 3.jpg
$linen 2.jpg
After many soaks in cool water with a little bit of Tide mixed in here is what I have now. It took about 24 hours of soaks and changing the water multiple times. I did not scrub it with anything. I only rubbed it lightly with my hands. It is still wet in these photos.

$linen 5.jpg
$linen 6.jpg
$linen 4.jpg
The lettering and the staining look lighter now that it is dry. Not really worth a photo.
Based off of the "how to" I will lightly sand the nick and the small abrasion on the edge. I'm going to avoid going over the emblem with the saddle soap because I like the way it looks.

I was going to use the Kiwi brand Saddle Soap. I think it should work fine.
Hooo, eee - that linen is markedly improved. I have done several and just soak the cloth in a tub with liquid dishwashing soap and scrub with my hands. Anything you do is an improvement. The leather I treat both sides with neets foot oil and it works for me.
Been busy so I haven't had a chance to work on the leather until today. The Kiwi brand saddle soap has leather conditioners in it but after looking at it I think the leather will need some more conditioning. I'm nervous over doing it with the conditioners so I'm going to only apply a tiny amount at a time and work it in. I'll post some pics when it dries.
Would it be inadvisable to use something like Oxy-Clean for the linen to clean it up some more? I'm shocked how much filth and dirt came off with just a gentle rubbing and a good soaking, excellent work. I can't wait to see how the leather turns out.
I was debating trying oxyclean but I didn't have any. I don't know if it would have helped or if it would have been to harsh. Currently the linen smells like Tide.

I have been looking around Wallyworld and a few hardware stores but the only leather conditioners I have found are for restoring cars.

I'm in the process of closing on a home and packing for moving so this quick project has been placed on the back burner and finances are on lockdown. I'll post when I get settled and order some leather conditioner from the internet.
neatsfoot oil is usually found around saddle or horse places. or whippeddog.com. had some the last time i looked been awhile though.
Well after moving I had placed the strop in a location that it would not get lost. And then my wife "organized". Now it is "around here somewhere". This may take awhile.

I now have neatsfoot oil and was planning on sanding the surface again. I think it might need it. Once I find it I'll get working on it again.
The strop has been found! I rubbed in a small amount of neatsfoot oil and let it sit over night. I decided not to sand it again to see how it would react to the oil. Well I have put neatsfoot oil on it every afternoon for the past 4 days. It still feels bone dry and rough. I'm a little concerned about the bottom 3 inches because the leather appears cracked. I think I might have to sand the entire surface but I'm going to continue to hold off. Instead I'm just going to run my palm across it daily to see if the surface slowly starts to refine. I'm in no rush.
I acquired a vintage Russian strop and am going to try and restore it. The leather is in good shape and there are good instructions/pics on how to fix it up.

Does anyone have advice (and maybe some pics) of restorations of linen? The linen is stiff and very dirty (has a shiny appearance over it). I've read the some people soak their linen in woolite but that seems to be for maintenance. I'm open to any suggestions be for I screw this up.
Forget restoring the linen. This is not space science. Make a new one. Concentrate on the leather side.
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