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Restore Advice

Quick question about a potential restore. I want to restore two brushes that were my Grandfather's. I have removed the original knots from both. One of them (an Ever Ready 200T), has a very strong odor. Initially, I thought it might be the old bristles or it was just "musty" from being in a cardboard box for so long. But, it seems to be the handle. I have tried the following so far:

1. Hot water,mild soap wash and rinse
2. Bleach/water solution, 1 hr soak, rinse
3. Baking soda, white vinegar soak, rinse
4. Dishwasher

The odor has lessened a little bit, but not enough to use so close to my face/nose.

Anyone have any suggestions? I would rather not get rid of this handle for obvious sentimental reasons. But, at this point, I'm stumped.

I submit this little quandry to the B&B community.....

Thanks in advance
I too just restored a ER (check out ever-ready restore#1 pics, this forum) Are the old knots completely removed? (down to original material) If so, try polishing them up w/ 0000 steelwool, some rubbing compound and finish-up w/ some Flitz (or the like) and see if the odor is still present. Good Luck!
Thanks for the feedback Keith. Super job on your ER. I haven't seen Flitz in my area. Is there an equivalent at the big box home improvement stores?

Thanks for the feedback Keith. Super job on your ER. I haven't seen Flitz in my area. Is there an equivalent at the big box home improvement stores?


Thanks Clay!! You could probably ask for the best plastic/fiberglass polish that they offer. If you wanted Flitz(which is a great product) you could order some from their website.
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