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Resistance is futile!

Yes I said it and for good reason too!

In all honesty, this post is about the opposite. Many of us go through the buying everything we can get our hands on and finding what we like most. Some of us buy only a few items and then stop. There are others of us who see what's trending and we buy that too. But what did you buy that you didn't need or want that has now taken over your shave den?

What item did you purchase just because you couldn't help your self but once you got it in your hands, it became your 'precious'? Since you have owned it, you don't use a similar item in your shave den in the same family ( razor, soap, brush, etc..) nor have you purchased another item like it?

For me, it has been the Muhle R41 Grande 2011.

Prior to my purchase f this razor, I was well on my way to acquiring a different razor for a 2 week period. I still own 1 straight razor, 2 Schick injectors (G and an adjustable), 3 different Gems, 2 Barberpole Merkurs (slant and HD), and 7 Gillettes. Sadly, they do ot see any usage unless I'm going on a trip of some kind and take one or two of them with me.

I used to look forward to using my 1961 Fatboy on 9 (loaded with a Feather), but now when I use it, I can shave as if I was using my Lady Gillette loaded with an Astra SP!

I can still get great shaves from my other razors, but nothing feels like or sounds like the R41. I continue to purchase brushes, soaps, a/s, etc. but have not even considered buying another razor- I never thought this would happen to me of all people!:yikes::yikes:

Even when using one of the other razors, I longingly keep glancing @ the Muhle; there have been times when after just one shave with another, I immediately go back to the Muhle on the next-I'm even thinking about selling the rest off!

So there's my sad little tale. Tell me what item was it for you, so at least i know I'm not alone.

I'm having a similar connection to the R41 as you marty.

But, I'm now trying to dial in my BBS OCD just a little bit - I find my 'touch-ups' are taking almost as long as the three pass shave - which is crazy. Now, granted, I have little to complain about because I'm using the R41 with a feathers daily and I'm getting sticky smooth BBS with no irritation, but I want to cut down on my shave time...which means living with a little DFS on a daily basis.

So, I've gone back to my '61 Fatboy loaded with a feathers and restricted myself to a '5' on the XTG and ATG passes. I know I can't get as close with the razor - still provides a lovely smooth experience mind you - so I find mentally I'm not so concerned about hitting a glass smooth BBS.

So...I guess my R41 does not qualify - although I thought it would.

For me, it must therefore be Feathers DE Blades. I've used them in a DE89, R41, 39C and the Fatboy. There are 400 of them sitting in my chest of drawers, and I can see myself laying in a 10 years supply...
For me it was my Jack Black shave brush. It has a nice heavy handle and it whips up lather in no time. I haven't used any of my other brushes since I got that one.
I used a Merkur 15c mild OC today and after 4 passes it felt like I still needed to shave.


I grabbed my R41 and got BBS with the first pass (well 5th pass but the first one with the R41).

nuf said
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