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replated slim and aristocrat

Long story short (me, work, colleague, I used DE, want replate, his uncle biker plates guns and Bike parts illegally, never done de, will do it for my slim, 1 week later)

so if you have any questions then just know he is not a pro, he is at home and did the 2 in exchange for a slim. both are done in rhodium and he wants to do more cause he liked the old school of it and being a biker who is clean shaven he must have it.

I gave him my worst condition slim and a decent aristocrat to do, this is not the same bent aristo from previous post and also here is a link of slim i gave him http://www.ebay.com/itm/290739513111?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

I messed up because I didnt clean it at all and neither did he so the bottom is my fault but this one was a wreck, uncleaned and ugly the handle is beutiful so no need of that and top of head id nice as hell to but i know that the slim i gave him was crap. He told me he do more fo 35 a piece cause the rhodium mix was more pricey then he thought but he didnt mint cause he would have gotten it to do the slim I gave him. $384D81A5-7B85-4587-A1F7-A9D16AE039DB.jpg$CB9AC504-7440-4446-B0C5-CE19B65EA03F.jpg$86E544C0-C284-48D4-B648-DD52609D8D61.jpg$6BAD6739-D618-49B6-80EA-A07E16F39BAD.jpg
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heres the aristo$1A61C7C2-EEF4-4FD7-8D89-2B7C1DFA4EF1.jpg$768E9772-AC55-4422-A1F3-764E47FEAD27.jpg$8E47F289-4F97-48C5-911F-8BDA4DAF6544.jpg$A3DF7484-9718-44AD-B4FF-266938041AF6.jpg

Ill admit he aint as good as closecut or any other pro but for a 20 dollar slim which he did a much better job on then mine and a 5 day turn around id say not bad.
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