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Replate Question - Nickel or Rhodium

nickel or rhodium

  • Nickel

  • Rhodium

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If you had a choice to replate a razor in either Nickel or Rhodium, which would you choose. Cast our vote & your reason why.
Rhodium sure does look a lot better, from what i've seen at Above the tie.

so i guess i'll go with that.

However if a nickel plated razor has been taken of and doesn't really have a lot of imperfections (to the point that it makes you wonder if it should be replated) i'd leave it alone.
I have one in rhodium and it's beautiful. That being said, I think I'd prefer if it had never been replated.
Depends on a couple of things like, if it was orignally nickel for instance a flair tip superspeed, would it be worth it getting it replated in rhodium considering the price, or holding out for a new minty razor?

I bought a #15 with no case, the plating was a bit dingy so i've sent it to get replated in nickel, mainly as by the time i pay for rhodium, its alot of money invested for an uncased razor.
Rhodium all the way. By replating you are basically making it a new razor, as the collect-ability aspect is gone for most who buy for that reason. May as well get the more durable surface that looks better too IMO.
Nickel - looks great and is cheaper. We know it stands the test of time also.

Another vote for nickel. Shiny enough. I think the mid-30s early 40s nickel plated techs must of been the pinnacle of Gillette's nickel plating process, Their plating seems to be always intact as opposed to a lot of later model super speeds.

In some cases, for the cost of replaiting in Rhodium, you can find a mint vintage razor with the original nickel finish intact and shiny. I've had SS's replated in both Rhodium and Nickel. The Rhodium is beautiful, but the Nickel is more authentic.
For me It would depend totally on the razor.

I could not see paying the price to Rhodium plate a common Tech
I should have elaborated a bit in my original post. I have a gold toggle that I want replated. There is no price difference.



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I'm voting nickel. You could always leave it up to the vendor and ask for their advise.

I see one Replate guy has already responded and he choose Nickel, so that counts for something
Nickel is less likely to cause galvanic corrosion. In some environments, rhodium plating seems to encourage blade rust - even with "stainless" steel blades.
If the money and the collectability of the razor aren't a factor, and you're just looking for a beautiful razor...I'd go rhodium. I have a rhodium replate, and some very good condition vintage nickel...and to me, the rhodium razor has a brilliance that nickel lacks. It's like fine jewelry.
I replated a #15 and did it in rhodium. It wasn't that much more to just go all the way so I did. Man does it look nice :thumbup1:

Some people's skin do not take well to Nickel so Rhodium. My daily is a SE Rhodium plated, it does not rust SS blades. It has a slightly amber chrome finish but it's nice.
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