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Replacing dial on Schick Adjustable (Disassembly)

Well, it took me a while to figure it out, and I had to cheat just a bit, but I was able to disassemble and reassemble a Schick Adjustable (Dial) Razor.

I had bought two at a local antique for $2.25 ea. One was gold and in pretty good condition except for the dial where the sticker was missing. The other was nickel and in poorer condition with an OK dial.

I took the nickel one apart and considered it disposable to figure out if I could change the dials. Ultimately I was able to do it. It did require that I drill a tiny hole in the spring to reassemble. This hole does not affect functionality and it is internal when fully assembled.

Actually it was very good that I was able to disassemble as there was a ton of inaccessible gunk under the guard.

I will post pictures later this evening.
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