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Repeat Threads (All in Fun)

This is a place for you to nominate what you think are the most commonly repeated threads. Now, I'm first to confess my own guilt in creating a thread when an identical one already existed, either being too unaware or too lazy to search for something along the lines of my message.

But you know the type I'm talking about: The new thread that shows up only a day or mere hours after you've answered the same question elsewhere. Here are some of my candidates after only a few months on the board. Remember, keep it light, keep it fun. :thumbup:

  • I just won this on eBay. Did I get a good deal?
  • How do I clean my vintage razor?
  • My Fat Boy adjuster or Slim locking turn or SS knob is very tight. How do I loosen it?
  • Williams soap is great/Williams soap sucks
  • How long does it take you to shave?
  • What razor must I have in my collection?
  • Is the EJ head made by Muhle?
  • Is Gillette/Wal-Mart/Walgreens/etc run by Satan?

What additions would you like to make?


My elbows leak
Staff member
- What do the numbers on the blade mean?
- How do I pour AS without spilling?
- I shaved with Cold Water
- Recommend a product that is * free
* = Alcohol, Parabens, chemicals, nano-robots etc.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Ok, you got me :biggrin:

I like the "Walmart is run by Satan" idea. Where are these threads hiding? :laugh:

:lol: It wasn't you. There have been quite a few besides yours, though I have to congratulate you on yours probably being the biggest.

Here's one I forgot;
- Bowl / Scuttle / Face Lathering
:lol: It wasn't you. There have been quite a few besides yours, though I have to congratulate you on yours probably being the biggest.

Honestly, I did not even know that this topic had been discussed this many times :blushing:

The Williams threads are the most annoying in my opinion, although the Proraso ones are starting to get up there. Tabac threads seem to have died down.
The record for number of threads in 48 hours has to be the New 11¢ Gillette razor refills in India.
What is this title under my User name?
Who comes up with these titles?
How do these titles change?
Is some mod having fun changing these titles?
Who determines when they change?
How has no one mentioned the "can I bring my razor on a flight / flight restrictions" threads?!?

Oh and yeah those darn repetitive "blahblah's entry into the hall of fame". :lol:
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