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Rediscovered an old friend today...

I've been using Nivea sensitive ASB for a long time now...mainly because the bottle lasts forever and they didn't have what I used to use when I bought it. Recently I nabbed up some of my old ASB of choice since my Nivea was almost gone.

Today the Nivea ran out and I got to use the greatest IMHO....L'oreal Comfort Max ASB w/SPF15. This stuff freakin' rocks! If you haven't used it, do your face a favor and do! Oh yeah and it is alcohol free FWIW.


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I used those two for years! They are great! However, I'm now into splashes...
Today the Nivea ran out

How does that feel? I've got a bottle that is over four years old and it still has life left in it! I love the stuff, but the day it runs out, I'm having a beer to celebrate...:lol:
How does that feel? I've got a bottle that is over four years old and it still has life left in it! I love the stuff, but the day it runs out, I'm having a beer to celebrate...:lol:

It was kind of a relief to tell you the truth. When I bought the bottle 3-4 years ago I didn't think it would last that long and I would be able to go back to my normal stuff soon. Nivea is good, but it is nice to be able to get back to my L'oreal; it absorbs better than Nivea and works much better as well.

To celebrate I had a great shave and I cleaned the bottle out to possibly use for later since they are nice, heavy, thick bottles. Then I went out to eat and had a few Negra Modelo's.
My Nivea senistive has been going strong for over a year now... but just recently I've been getting more into splashes as well, so this has slowed down somewhat.
I have been using the Nivea sensitive balm for a while now and love it. After reading this I'm curious. Is this what you are talking about?
The Nivea sensitive is very good & lasts forever.
IMO Nivea outruns L'Oreal's balm by far.
But I guess that is a case of the YMMV
I like both. The Nivea slightly wins out for me due to it being a tad less sticky and also having a more neutral scent. The LCM is great too, and the SPF protection is a plus. The scent has a slight minty vibe, which isn't bad at all.. I also like Neutrogena Triple Protect, another fairly neutral balm with SPF protection. Right now I'm kind of stuck on the Nivea sensitive because I find it works best as a post-splash balm..
In my 'learning' days I lived off the L'Oreal stuff, that stuff can kill any razor burn dead on the spot. Now that I don't need it as much, I find it a bit heavy and for the most part I stick to splashes.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this one guys.

You guys are talking about the standard 100ml bottles of Nivea? 4 years?! Surely used v. infrequently...?

Well to be a little more clear at the time I bought it I was using it A LOT. I was a cart. user and shaved every morning and again every night after work (I'm a freak of nature :lol:) and I would use the Nivea after each shave, however I only did this for about a year. Since then, I do grow a beard every winter (still shave and use ASB on upper cheeks and lower neck though). Also since Nivea doesn't absorb well on me a little goes a long way.

I have been using the Nivea sensitive balm for a while now and love it. After reading this I'm curious. Is this what you are talking about?

That is exactly what I'm talking about. It is hands down my favorite ASB, but Nivea isn't far behind it.

In my 'learning' days I lived off the L'Oreal stuff, that stuff can kill any razor burn dead on the spot. Now that I don't need it as much, I find it a bit heavy and for the most part I stick to splashes.

You're right, this stuff does get rid of razor burn very well. It is also good for helping your skin. My skin never looked better than when I was using L'Oreal twice a day (until I ran out and ended up with Nivea). Funny thing though is I feel like it is lighter than Nivea and absorbs better...on me at least. I like splashes as well, but I don't want to dry my skin out too much and give it a reason to produce excess oil. Plus some splashes actually cause irritation to become more visible on me. I guess I got weird skin. :tongue_sm
Gently off topic, apologies, but when I used to get straight razor shaves by my barber back in the day, he would lay down Nivea Cold Cream on my face, then hot foam from one of those dispensers, shave, feel the chin line, then repeat the process, with AS and talc for a BBS result. Now, finding a barber who will shave like that is difficult, and that old fellow I used to see is now shaving in the next life, bless him.

Those Saturday mornings were magical. Like a massage with razor blades. I have not thought to get Nivea Cold Cream and use it in this fashion since however.

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