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Red Tip with end caps missing

I assume you're referring to the U.S. made ones.

Not as far as I know. They're just cosmetic (non-functional). You can usually tell if they were there before, as there's usually rough solder on the surfaces were they were mounted.

- Chris
I have two red tips and both have an end cap missing.

I always wondered what someone would have to do the break one of those off and then one day one just fell off my SS. I guess it was just its time.

82 is right you can tell they are missing because of the unfinished outside and some of the solder/brazing left behind.
I have a Red Tip that has both end caps missing as well. It looks a little weird, but it shaves fine. It cost me a lot less, too. I keep hoping to come across a pair of spare endcaps to put on it and touch up its looks. The razor is in great condition otherwise.
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