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Recommend a black ink with character.

I'm looking to expand my ink collection further. Looking for a black ink that has some character (has shades of a different color, or doesn't look midnight black). I already have 5OS, Parker Quink Black and PR Velvet Black, so any recommendations from other makers would be much appreciated!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
The black inks the Goulets sell.

I'm thinking that Noodler's El Lawrence might be interesting, if a bit like 5 O'clock shadow ...

Really, black tends to be the "uninteresting" variety of ink ... intended to be unobtrusive, plain-jane and businesslike, so "character" isn't going to jump out at you from a black ink very often.
Good point, Doc!

Really, black tends to be the "uninteresting" variety of ink ... intended to be unobtrusive, plain-jane and businesslike, so "character" isn't going to jump out at you from a black ink very often.
Decided since I already have a blank ink with character, that I should instead try a straight-up black ink, ordered a bottle of J. Herbin Perle Noire.
Be nice if there was a black ink with kind of an automotive flake to it,.. had some texture,.. more casual then the usual blacks out there


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Be nice if there was a black ink with kind of an automotive flake to it,.. had some texture,.. more casual then the usual blacks out there

That's kinda why I was suggesting the Sailor Kiwa-Guro in the post above. It has tiny "nano" particles of carbon as pigment. Creates a sheen, works on crappy paper, and is also pretty indestructible. At least that's what I read in this thread. Possible clogging issues? Maybe.

Anyways, I may be trying some and I'll let you know.
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