I have a Tamron messenger bag style of bag. This thing gets a tad heavy when im walking around, and think I need a backpack style of bag. I was wondering if you all had any suggestions.
I may have to upgrade to the 202. I just got a new lens (24-70), and my camera doesn't fit in the 102 with that lens attached...
Congrats on the lens. You know, its a sickness with these lenses. I remember when I was in NYC. I HAD TO HAVE a zoom lens, as all I had were primes. So I bought a 70-300 lens. Beautiful lens, and served me well for long distance stuff up there. I honestly cant say I remember using it since I moved from NYC. Did I mention how heavy it is? I bought a wide angle out there as well, and it was great for bridge shoots/building, but here I find that it "pushes the subject too far back". Now a days, I look to finding a lens for SOTD pics. Henry (professor chaos) basically exemplifies SOTD pics I hope to achieve one day.
On a side note, I do not like to do post processing. I try to get it original so to speak of the old days. What you shoot is what you print. I know there were tricks in the dark room, but you know what I mean.
I may have to upgrade to the 202. I just got a new lens (24-70), and my camera doesn't fit in the 102 with that lens attached...