Nothing earth shaking here, but after receiving a 100 pack of new Shark blades, I was shocked by the ferocious skin eating edge they sported... I also ordered a 100 pack of Astra SC's, and worried that they might have suffered from the same fate of production foibles.
Fortunately, the mega buck St Petersburg razor plant is still cranking out super quality blades, and the first shave from the pack that arrived yesterday was as good as any from my favorite blades of the past... I expect that the ultra smooth shave has something to do with new machinery, and tuned production routines, but I'm just glad that it is consistent and cheap. I have no idea as to what is going on in Egypt, but one of my favorite blades has been reduced to a ragged saw blade. Long live the St Pete plant, and long live a close, smooth shave!
Fortunately, the mega buck St Petersburg razor plant is still cranking out super quality blades, and the first shave from the pack that arrived yesterday was as good as any from my favorite blades of the past... I expect that the ultra smooth shave has something to do with new machinery, and tuned production routines, but I'm just glad that it is consistent and cheap. I have no idea as to what is going on in Egypt, but one of my favorite blades has been reduced to a ragged saw blade. Long live the St Pete plant, and long live a close, smooth shave!