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so I went to Pasteur's in NYC over the weekend and i picked up some RazoRock Caprician Lemon ..i wanted to try this as every online company is sold out.. i had to admit it was really good..it lathered up pretty good and the smell was fantastic..gave me a really nice shave...i'll have to pick more if this stuff up on my next trip in...
caprician lemon is good stuff. overall, razorock products are a great combination of value and performance. I just got a shipment from joe at Italianbarber.com w/ four more soaps, giving me eight in all (must stop. . .must stop. . .). I used king of the castle lime this morning, and it's terrific. my favorites so far are chianti lavender, kotc lime, don marco, and napoleon's violet, but I doubt there's a bad one in the bunch. again, good stuff!
RR does not make a bad product however they keep improving and getting better. Their best formula by far is XX. That soap is amazing for $9.00. The Karite line also. The new King of the Castle line also mentioned is incredible though very lightly scented. I think the King Loius lavender is the cleanest almost ivory soap lavender on the market, however the King of the Castle lavender performs a bit better. RR makes decisions tough. I would love to see reformulations of their older soaps in the KOC line and the same original scents and stregnth.
xx and kotc lavender are in the package that just arrived. xx is tomorrow, and the lavender is the day after that. I can't wait!
I enjoy RazoRock products as well, Joe brings some amazing products from Italy which I wouldn't think to try. Really good products especially for the price.
Mudder Focker LE = Epic
+1 this stuff is stupid good. Doesn't get enough love on these boards. I haven't tried the king of castle line yet, but it is better than all of the other rr lines and is in my top 3 soaps of all time. Such a shame it was discontinued.
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