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RazoRock XXX


B&B's Man in Italy

I appreciate all of your opinions and reviews.

Have you had a chance to use the Razorock AS wax?

How does it compare to Proraso pre/post or SMN pre/post? Thx.

The RazoRock AS Wax is a terrific and unique product. In terms of both quality and performance I think it's in a superior category, just above all others.
I ordered some of the Razorock XXX a few weeks back. Performs great, but doesn't seem to be scented as strongly as Figaro. It smells the same, but it's pretty faint compared to Figaro. Anyone else noticed this, or did I get a bad batch?
I have the XXX shave cream. IMO, it is one of the most incredible values out there. This is why I wanted to know Marco's opinion on the AS wax since I don't have it.

Does anyone have all the Razorocks creams? I think there are four. How do they compare?

I'm reading good things as well about the Cacao.
I've experienced the excellent lathers of both xxx and cacao, but as someone already said, I'm not too sure yet, but I think I prefer Cacao over xxx. I've got to give them both a few more tryouts. I know someone who's ordered a tub of Fresco, and maybe I can get a little sample of that.


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I ordered some of the Razorock XXX a few weeks back. Performs great, but doesn't seem to be scented as strongly as Figaro. It smells the same, but it's pretty faint compared to Figaro. Anyone else noticed this, or did I get a bad batch?

:blink: smells the same? my Figaro has a very strong almond/cherry scent whereas the XXX is nothing close to it. i don't have experience with "classic barber scents", but this is what the XXX is described as, and i would say it holds true based on what i know of it.

the XXX has quite a strong smell if you ask me and quite unique :001_smile
I just put the XXX to SWMBO's nose, and her nose is far superior to mine.

She had to sniff it a few times but came away with a predominance of pine, but not a solid pine. In SWMBO's vernacular, it means that the only identifiable scent is pine but there are other scents which she can't identify.

After she tried it, I was also able to smell the pine behind the other scents.
:blink: smells the same? my Figaro has a very strong almond/cherry scent whereas the XXX is nothing close to it. i don't have experience with "classic barber scents", but this is what the XXX is described as, and i would say it holds true based on what i know of it.

the XXX has quite a strong smell if you ask me and quite unique :001_smile

Yep, I got the Classic instead of the XXX, so I guess it shouldn't smell the same.
I tried the RazorRock XXX for the first time this morning. I was going to wait until I got my containers that I plan to use from Specialty Bottle showed up, but I just couldn't wait. I really like this cream/soap and will echo the value statements that others have posted. I loaded it for about 15-20 seconds and the lather really exploded on the brush, more than I needed really. I think this tub could go for a long time.

My stash now consists of Cella, XXX, and Proraso. I really like them all and like the fact that I can face or bowl lather with all of them. I plan on ordering a couple QCS soaps and then resisting more purchases for a while. We will see how that goes!
I wonder on what criteria you base that comment? :thumbdown Positively reviewing a product does not imply one is sponsored.

+1. It's not Marco's fault that Joe's distributing a killer product! :thumbup: (I'm speaking from experience, too. I love the quality of the original Razorock, and it led me to buy all three of the others, and the shave gel. Now...all we need is some Razorock A/S...)
I used the original the last two days. Fantastic stuff and continue to be amazed at the performance. Joe is a good guy and has some nice products. I hope he reads this and sends me a check.:laugh: I need to run out of some stuff prior to a new purchase. Bradley
Sponsored review, eh?

I would say that Marco was extremely forthcoming at the beginning of the post about his friendship with Joe from italianbarber.com AND the fact that he was given the products to sample for free. IMO I wouldn't call that a 'sponsored review' --especially with all the cards are on the table like that!
Sponsored review, eh?

I too was offended by this remark. While plainly we should be thick skinned enough to tolerate anyone's barbs on this forum, I place a premium on loyalty and the need to defend when an accusation reeks of calumny.

As Letsdisinfect points out, Marco openly disclosed his friendship with Giovanni before he began to comment on the cream.

Perhaps his love for the cream is influenced by his friendship for the distributor - who cares? Who is able to parse out the influences which cause us to form our opinions? Especially in this day and age, with clever and subtle algorithms monitoring every click of our keyboards. Facebook, Google, and Yahoo my friends, if you don't realize it by now, shape the information we receive based on highly sophisticated filters. If it wasn't true, it would be a paranoid's dream come true.

So with respect to Marco, his review is just his opinion, which I frankly respect and look forward to. Marco's passion for wet shaving, his command of language, and the sheer joy he derives from this hobby is one of the treasures of this forum.

We've all said what we had to say. Let's continue to enjoy Marco's wonderful review of XXX and it was good enough that I ordered a tub of it.
hmmm pine scent? i dont like that idea... now i wanna cancel the idea of the pine xxx scent and just tell him to put in the origional scent in there instead..
hmmm pine scent? i dont like that idea... now i wanna cancel the idea of the pine xxx scent and just tell him to put in the origional scent in there instead..
I don't get pine at all. It's a strong citrus/floral/herbal scent....very close to Acqua di Parma Colonia.
eh thats cool, i changed it to cacao anyway. now that people said pine. thats all ill smell even if its not there. i get bad migranes to that smell. so ill play it safe.. ill have to buy a small lil sample of xxx from someone on here.
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