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RazoRock XXX

If you didn't see my earlier post Marco, just a little off topic for a second, I've been meaning to ask if you use any of the classic Italian Pre Post products?


B&B's Man in Italy
If you didn't see my earlier post Marco, just a little off topic for a second, I've been meaning to ask if you use any of the classic Italian Pre Post products?

Occasionally, I do. My favourite is the (now discontinued :angry:) Floid Sandolor, which is also a very traditional barbershop product in Italy.
Marco! What have you done! I was satistfied with my soap/cream selections until I read your post! I just bought Al Raz's "The Bomb" and thought I was done for a while! I must try to resist! Al's stuff is great but you can't have to many great soaps/creams! I guess I will have to add it to my list! Great post! :thumbup:
Well said Marco...I have held off giving my review of comparing AdP vs XXX
because I had to run my test twice....Finally I asked my wife to participate,
and though she didn't want too, she finally relented....We both used the
same everything cept the creams...she used one on each leg and I did mine
by the day....Her honest opinion on the difference between the two was....
I CAN'T TELL ANY DIFFERENCE....That is the reason I reran the test....As I
couldn't find any difference....Not saying there isn't one but they are very
very close in all respects except the price....duke
While I don't have AdP cream to compare it against, I do have a decant of the cologne, and the smell is very close.

The cream is nice and thick, I can't wait to try this.
Just took delivery on both the XXX and the Cacao and have tried both a couple of times. The brush used was either a SOC boar or Omega 31064, the razor a Merkur 1904, with a Feather blade.

Both soaps work very, very well, but of the two I'd have to give the nod to the Cacao. For me, the lather was a little thicker, the shave a little smoother, and the moisturization afterward a little better. Scent is a very subjective thing, and although the scents are much different from one another, I'd rate them about the same- they both smell good. The Cacao will definitely go into my rotation, and possibly the XXX. I've only used them a couple of times, so we'll see how things go after I've shaved with them for a while.

These are top-quality soaps here, and the price is terrific. And the service from the Italian Barber was, as always, first rate. Thanks Joe, we appreciate what you do.

A little off the subject- has anyone tried the RazoRrock Fresco?

I used my XXX, and RazoRock pre-shave gel, along with my new M&F 30mm monster yesterday with great results.

Though I will need to adjust something because I was drowning in suds.

I am a face latherer and using the XXX for that needs work. Using my fingers, I smeared some on my face, trying to get the lumps out (unsuccessful).
I also swirled my brush on the soap before lathering on my face. Next time it will be only a brush swirl.

I also used too much pre-shave, so will cut down on that.

A very smooth shave with no pulling, though as I progressed, the lather began to dry out from too much soap.

Today will be better.
Oh come on, Mama's is not a busted Chevette! Maybe an older Corvette compared to a modern Ferrari.

Anyway, I loved the original RazoRock. I am totally enamored with the smell and performance of the XXX. It will be a permanent member of my rotation.:thumbup:
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Oh, come on Mama's is not a busted Chevette! Maybe an older Corvette compared to a modern Ferrari.

Anyway, I loved the original RazoRock. I am totally enamored with the smell and performance of the XXX. It will be a permanent member of my rotation.:thumbup:

For the love of god please do not insult the mighty corvette! the 2 are not even in the same league much less performance wise! Perhaps you should lay off the mama bear's kool aid and sample some of the italian barbers fine chiantis and then you will know and understand true italian shave bliss ! Viva italia!
I second that. Well put sir.. the two products are not even close to each other.. ill agree no one would ever downgrade lol... and yes I have both.

I appreciate all of your opinions and reviews.

Have you had a chance to use the Razorock AS wax?

How does it compare to Proraso pre/post or SMN pre/post? Thx.
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