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RazoRock Nervous Wreck and Coconut question r/o/p

The other day I was sniffing around at Pastuer and sniffed Nervous Wreck (Vetiver) and the coconut scent. I could barely smell them in the container. Is it...

1) They are very light in the container but come to life when lathered
2) They do not have much scent wet or dry
3) They have plently of scent it is your nose (I recently had a problem with an Etro Vetiver sample that I could barely detect.
For the Nervous Wreck the answer is 2. Great performance for shaving but very mildly scented. I have never tried the coconut.


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The coconut did nothing for my nose either....kind of smelled like play-doh to me, not pleasant.
Order some Haslinger Coconut if you haven't tried it. My favorite coconut soap by a long shot.

Medium scent, superb performance. :thumbup1:
Coconut...Trumpers. Haslinger coconut makes a beautiful lather for me and smells great, but nothing like coconut.
I read on another forum (from Joe himself) that the light scent is by design, so it doesn't linger or cause irritation from the aromatic compounds in the soap.

That being said, Muguet de France is anything but lightly scented.
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