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RazoRock Lupo Club - The Pack

Evening, tonight's shave:

Razor: Razorock Lupo Aluminum
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock (1)
Pre: Hot Water
Soap: Razorock WTP Blue
Brush: Omega Boar Pro
Aftershave: Aqua Velva
Post: Alhydran Aloe Vera

Fantastic shave, couple weepers due to eczema, no fault attributed to the gear used. Super comfortable, perfect BBS.




Collecting wife bonus parts
I'll report back in a week, my .95SB is set to arrive on Saturday and .72SB this upcoming week. I already have and really really like the .72OC; it feels just a tad too spicy for my taste but I'm curious to see how the other straight bar plates I have coming compare. If the .95SB is comfortable enough maybe I'd consider looking into the 1.27SB, but I doubt it'll be a good fit for me.
Oddly enough, I find the 95 to be smoother than the 72. Also, for daily growth, I can’t feel any difference between the 95 SB and 95 OC.
Great razor! This is the 58 with my short handle. Happy to come home from a 4 day work stretch, where I'm stuck with disposable Sensor.



Collecting wife bonus parts
I had a pretty nice shave this morning with the Lupo 58:

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy
Razor: RR Lupo 58
Blade: Dorco Prime Platinum (1)
Number of passes: 2 (WTG, XTG)
Touchups or buffs: yes, in my really tough area
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, slight
Result: DFS

I loaded a fresh Dorco Prime Platinum into the Lupo 58 and had a really nice shave. I didn't try to touch up or buff my tough areas too much, but rather tried to mow the whiskers down correctly the first time. I still had to touch up my swirl of death on my neck. The Lupo 58 is enough razor for my cheeks, as they were darn near BBS, but it's not quite enough for my neck, which still has some stubble even though it technically qualifies for DFS. To be fair, the Lupo 95 still isn't enough razor for my neck. The only one that comes close to being enough for my neck is the Muhle R41, but that is super rough on my cheeks. I really don't want to go down the road of using two razors during a shave. I'm committed to mastering my technique so that one razor is enough.

I had a little sting today, but it was the good sting of a job well done rather than the sad sting of defeat.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
DE SOTD, Thursday, May 30th 2024

Razor : Razorock 2nd Generation Lupo.72 316 SSP, Mfg 2021>, tame mid to mid range. Excellent machining and finish + design for my shaving needs. 1-2/1000 or .001-.002 of a inch blade exposure, perfect for my shave. Had a close comfortable shave this morning!
Blade : GSB(1) sharp and smoooth with reasonable longevity. Top tier blade in my assortment.
Soap : Gillette Pure cream. Nice fragranced lather that gives excellent lather qualities. Makes excellent ubber lather also.
Brush : Yaqi "Cola" 22mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, cloud like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + excellent lather painter.
The handle is unique + knot works well for my shaving needs.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Razorock King Louis Lavender + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 10 stellar.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBs + minimal irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my RR Lupo.72 with GSB blade. Excellent shave this morning to start the day off.
SOTD May 30 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
Bought my second Lupo. It is a .72. open comb. My first was a .72 solid bar like both razors. Bought the second as a backup. Got the HD handle with it These are the only two razors I have, and will probably be my last 😃
I had the 72, now a 58. I agree, the Lupos may just be the ones! I was going to use the Overlander today, just to see what I should do with it, but I instead went with the 3rd use with the newly purchased 58 with a 3rd and last use Bic CP. Perfect!



Collecting wife bonus parts
Another day in my Lupo journey:

Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Cream: Gillette Foamy red
Razor: RR Lupo 72
Blade: PPI Gillette Platinum Dark Blue (1)
Number of passes: 2 (WTG, XTG)
Touchups or buffs: No
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, very slight tingles
Result: DFS

I've been experimenting with my technique in an attempt to get closer shaves, especially in my really difficult spots. I'm not rushed in the morning this summer, so I have more time to try such things. When I have an early morning schedule, I usually just let my difficult spots go without too much attention. I valued no sting over shave closeness. Now, it's time to push the closeness envelope a little. I've been working my way up through my favorites in order of aggression to see how my face tolerates these experiments. Today, I moved from the Lupo 58 to the Lupo 72.

The shave was very nice. Since it was my first outing with the 72 and my modified technique, I didn't do any touchups or buffs, so I have some spots of longer stubble that definitely needed more attention. They'll get slayed tomorrow. Not much sting from the aftershave to speak of. Maybe a few tingles here and there. I consider today's expedition to be a success. Tomorrow I'll work a little more at my tough spots because I'm confident my skin can take it.

The Lupos are a curious lot in that they seem to get smoother as their blade gap increases. I've always felt the 95 is smoother than the 72, but I wasn't expecting the 72 to be smoother than the 58. I didn't detect much difference between them in the past with my old technique, but it was apparent today with my new one. The Lupo 72 is definitely smoother than the Lupo 58.
I'm a new comer to the Lupo line. I have the Lupo 72, 95, & 127 baseplates. I love my 95 for three pass shaves and my 127 for two pass shaves. i shave daily and usually use a Feather or Gillette Silver Blue blade. Todays shave was a two pass WTG & ATG with the 127 loaded with a feather blade. Very efficient and smooth shave.
Back from 5 days on the road for work and 3 days scruffy. I was going to use the 72, but since i've only got three uses with the newly purchased 58, that's exactly what i pulled out. I see everyone going towards the more aggressive end of the spectrum, but I love this thing! Love it! I don't think I've been this smooth since a Cambodian straight razor shave! Wasn't even trying, quick and dirty 2 pass. WTG and ATG.

Just wish I could bring it on the road, but sadly I'm stuck with disposables.


Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
DE SOTD, Thursday, June 6th 2024

Razor : Razorock 2nd Generation Lupo.72, Mfg January, 2021>, mid range. Design, machining + finish QC are excellent. This razor head checks all my boxes for excellent shaving and I have a lot of different razors in my large razor rotation. Each week it gets used and that is a high mark in my rotation with over 60 razors. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
Blade : Gillette Astra SP(1) sharp and smooth with great longevity.
Soap : Yaqi Musketeer Rapier, very nice scented soap(similar to Aramis classic) with excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi "Moka Express" 26mm Husky knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, luxury splay scrubber + excellent lather generator. This was a odd small batch test brush Yaqi let go as a defect, it is one of the best synthetics I own that I very much joy. Yaqi does not make this brush regularly and I lucked out IMO. 26mm synthetics rock IMO.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Yaqi Musketeer Rapier + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 10 stellar.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my RR lupo.72 with a Gillette Astra SP. Very nice shave with no issues.
SOTD June 6 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
Evening, the Sunday shave:

Razor: Lupo .72 SB SS, Titanium Halo Handle
Blade: Super Max (1)
Pre: Hot Water
Soap: Body Shop Maca
Brush: Omega Boar Pro
Aftershave: DR Harris Arlington
Post: Alhydran Aloe Vera
EDT: Acqua Di Parma

One of the closest shaves I've had in months. The Arlington and ADP finished things off in luxury. A nice Chai tea to get things going, what a way to start a Sunday.


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