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Razorock 888 vs SMN

I couldn't resist ordering a couple Razorock products (that I don't need) at their sale last week. So today I got a tub of the 888 and one of SMN. Anyone here tried both and have a preference? Which should I try first?
I couldn't resist ordering a couple Razorock products (that I don't need) at their sale last week. So today I got a tub of the 888 and one of SMN. Anyone here tried both and have a preference? Which should I try first?
Lol, me too I got a tub of 888. It's a nice soap
I have tried both and I greatly prefer SMN. I hated the 888 scent so that was a deal breaker for me. As far as performance is concerned, 888 is no slouch buut I love the thick protection SMN gives. Whenever I get a new razor (DE or straight) my first shave is always with SMN. Even though I paricipate in the 3017 thread, I always make and exception for SMN with new razors. I've always wondered if I was the only one who loves SMN this much. I guess we'll find out.
I have 888 and the Razorock S. Maria. LOVE them both. As for which to use first, I would base my decision on which brush I like to use most. One good for soaps versus one that may be better for creams. That said, I'd go 888.
Just to follow up on this. I've now used both. Of course it will take many more shaves to make a final determination. But I do have some intial thoughts. The first is that both are wonderful shaving soaps. Both lathered up quite easily and made nice cushiony, slick lather. But the 888 left my face feeling better afterwards. It's full of good stuff. So I imagine those extras account for that difference. As for scent, both are Eucalyptus-based. There's nothing more YMMV than scent. That said, I preferred the 888 by quite a bit. It's hard to describe, but there are a lot of other things going on in the scent whereas the S Maria is primarily eucalyptus - which of course might be fine if you're looking for a big dose it.
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