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Razor worth buying?

search for 'ebay razors' in the forum and you will find some opinions. Best bet is to post a WTB beginner shave ready ad in the BST. You will be getting a product of known quality from a guy who will back up his honing.
You may want to consider going to ruprazor.com and getting one of his gold dollar beginner sets for the same price... It's a known quantity.
ive tried around 6 of the new straights from ebay (prices ranging from £0.99 buy it now for just the straight to £19.99 with strop, not the one pictured) and have found them to be all of simmilar quality, they sometimes have edges ground slightly off but are usually about right, they require more stropping than a good quality straight but a good shave with them is definatey attainable, having said that youll have a razor of much higher quality that you know will last longer than the cheaper new ones (dark spots that i assume will eventually turn to rust are common on my cheap ebay straights despite my best efforts to avoid them) if you save a little more and look around on the b/s/t section.
I'm gonna look at the rup razor gold dollar one.... 45 quid shipped, thats damn good for a razor and strop! :D

Although there is one in an antique store locally for 18 quid, but it will need to be honed I think.....

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