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Razor modification

I am sure many here have considered using a longer or heavier handle. I am wondering if anyone has tried adding weight to the head of the razor to alter its balance.

I ask this because I have discovered that Merkur blades perform very nicely in my British Aristocrat No. 21 even though they are rather uncomfortable in my New. The Aristocrat has a heavier head and is a little less aggressive it seems to me.
I have heard of people adding a heavier handle but in my limited time on the forum I have not heard of people using a heavier head. From my understanding the heaviest head is a stainless one. I speculate this because most modern razors use an inexpensive metal for the head which does not weigh too much. People do shim their heads, but that is too add blade gap and not weight. I'd love to hear more on the subject.
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