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Razor Information

Howdy folks -
I've been a straight razor shaver for 3 years now....but for the time being, I've had enough with the honing and stropping. I just want to shave. I have my grandfathers old gillette that I have used occasionally over the past 3 years when I didn't have time for a straight shave. I polished it up (by hand with some Maas) and took a few pics. I was hoping someone might be able to tell me when this razor was made.


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What you've got is a Gillette Old Type Single Ring. They were manufactured from 1906 until 1921. That's a really lovely razor, and doubly so because it's an heirloom. Are there any serial numbers printed anywhere? If so you can narrow it down to a specific year.
Wow, great job cleaning that up! I've got a single band from 1906, but it's not in very good shape compared to yours. If there is a serial number it would be on the barrel of the handle that is inserted into the rest of the razor.:thumbup1:
Was just a quick scrub with MAAS and a toothbrush. Nothing else cleans like MAAS.

Wow, great job cleaning that up! I've got a single band from 1906, but it's not in very good shape compared to yours. If there is a serial number it would be on the barrel of the handle that is inserted into the rest of the razor.:thumbup1:
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