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Razor identification help

hello fellow forum users

i picked up this razor in a street market near Naples, Italy in 2009 for 1 euro. It came home with me to London and I have since given it little thought - until today when i decided to dig it out and investigate.

i would very much value your expert assistance in determining what model this razor is. Photos I took today can be found below.

many thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.




  • $image.jpg
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you guys are incredible - thank you for the prompt response.

under the butterfly, on the bottom plate it says PAT NOS ON PKG
excellent - thank you very much!

I plan to clean her this evening and give her a try tomorrow AM. I'm a little apprehensive having spent £££ on 5 Merkurs which I have never mastered and have always ended up resorting to my trusty Wilkinson Sword black plastic DE razor which has none of the finesse of the others.

Hoping the Gillette proves a more fruitful experience!


Thats how I did it, Wilkinson Classic then a Merkur Futur then a re-plated Gillette 67 Slim. Slim is different to the Merks but easier to get on with. Check the B&B cleaning guides on the wiki, slap in a good blade, set at number two to start with and befor you know it you'll have settle on either 4,5 or 6 depending on your blade.
1 euro . . . what a bargain!!

The Slim Adjustable is without a doubt my #1 favorite of the Gillette Adjustables, and is certainly my "go to" TTO.

Congrats, and enjoy!!
Nice, now clean her up!

For future reference: PAT NOS ON PKG = patent numbers on package and REG US, PATT OFF = registered in the US patent office (or something to that effect)

Go to here: http://gillettedatecodes.com/ for datecodes

At least it wasn't mistaken for a REGUS PATOFF razor like one poster did recently. I got a laugh out of that post and the comments that followed.

In all seriousness congrats on the find. Assuming the adjuster works correctly you should have a fine shaving instrument.
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