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Razor Collection Complete?

As I wrote the title I couldn't help but laugh, yet I feel my collection is complete for right now. Any other suggestions (I had a mint fatboy but hated it, so no adjustable's)


Left to Right:
Edwin Jagger DE87 with a Merkur OC head
1954 40's Super Speed
1956 50's Super Speed
1961 Blue Tip
Merkur 15c with the DE87's head (hate both the head and handle in any combination)

Laying Flat:
1918 Old Type Ball End
I'd say an early Gillette single ring with an open comb is in order! And if you find it with a silver patina- leave it alone! :thumbup1:
Where did the mint FB go? No love for the FB? We will have to see what the mods say about your membership now! :lol:

I sold it. Honestly, I don't care too much for safety bars and I think that adjustable's add an unnecessary extra variable to my shave. IMHO all around.
I sold it. Honestly, I don't care too much for safety bars and I think that adjustable's add an unnecessary extra variable to my shave. IMHO all around.

Horses for courses I guess, I also recommend a new love mine for monday morning weed wacking. Dam hope that FB is happy where ever he went. :thumbup1:
A guy who likes a blue tip is unlikely to enjoy a red tip. It also explains why he didn't like the Fatboy; its main advantage is the ability to crank it open and get a more aggressive shave. He apparently likes mild shavers.

I think, given that he likes mild shavers, he needs to add a Tech and a Schick Krona to his collection.
he needs to add a Schick Krona to his collection.

The antique store I purchased the blue tip and fatboy from had a Krona for $2.50 and I waited too long and it was gone. Try not to have a heart attack when you read this guys, but the fatboy and blue tip were also $2.50 each! Both are/were in mint/excellent condition.
I admire your will power! There are many more that I have, but that doesn't mean they shave better. I have a 1906 double ring that I used today, but my overall best shaver is probably a 1921 New Improved, or is it the Aristocrat, or the Tech, or maybe the redtip, I can't tell I love them all. 2 Gems on the way to go with the one I have now so yah I'm set too. No more RAD,:laugh::laugh::lol::lol::lol:
A Single Ring (or double if you're feeling "spendy"), a Bulldog or an ABC Pocket Edition? All Old Types, but you seem to like them anyway :thumbup1:.

mkevenson said:
...I have a 1906 double ring that I used today...
Sweet! Been using one of my 1905 Double Rings for the past week or so. Love it.

I've actually been looking for someone with a 1906 Double Ring. Would you mind letting me know the serial number? Reason I ask is, I have a Single Ring with a serial number that puts it in late 1905 :confused:. I still wonder if it might be close enough in serial number that it could be correct, even though I've read they first made them in 1906. Maybe an overlap in production? My "1905" Single Ring is numbered 288248. Came to me in a typical Double Ring style case, from a Seller that had no idea, and no other razors.
If you don't like safety bar razors, perhaps a Cooncatbob Bull Mastiff handle with a Gillette NEW head, or if you want to go vintage TTO, a '34 Aristocrat open comb...both faves of mine.
You must make some room for a NEW in there! They come in both short & long teeth.


Went to an antique store today and scored a good condition NEW! Too lazy to post a pic tonight but just finished a shave with it. With Trumpers Rose and my usual Astras, I can honestly say it was the best shave I have ever had! I can feel the AD setting in again already!
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