I'm curious how SR shavers view the relationship between sharpness and comfort and the razor burn thing. I use a DE and really don't have a cutting the whiskers problem. My problem is the burn and irritation. If I use a new, very sharp blade (Feather), and very light pressure, it leaves a less than BBS. If I shave to BBS, I get burn. On the 4th shave or so, there seems to be a sweet spot where it comes out perfectly. If I use a less sharp blade, I don't get burn on the first 1 or 2 shaves, but it happens later when I need to get more aggressive to get a BBS. So, do you have this range of sharpness and comfort as well, or is it that you get a great shave on a razor freshly returned from a honemeister, and then it starts dropping off? Or, can a straight be too sharp like some of the new DE blades? Is razor burn just not a problem in the SR world? You probably know where this is leading, but I'm just wondering if you struggle with this sharpness/comfort balance thing as well, or is it mostly a DE thing.