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Razor blade disposal?

I punctured a slit through an empty can of chicken soup. Slide the used blades in there. No chance of someone getting injured and no chance of them falling out. Once the can is full, into the metal recycling bin it goes.

+1, except I use an empty can of chicken stock. Far superior to chicken soup cans: two small punctures allow you to empty (and use) the original contents and rinse clean, and you can then cut a slit for depositing used blades into the can. No way the used blades can get out, and when the can is finally full (which takes years), it can be deposited in recycling without risk.
I took an empty pint-size plastic, taped the top closed, labeled it, and cut a narrow opening in the top with a Dremel tool. Practical and effective. When the jar is full, long in the future, I'll tape the slit to seal it before discarding this used-blade canister. The jar has space for more than 200 blades; and it's fits inside a standard medicine cabinet.

think about it.just cut them into thirds and load the sections into the shell instead of shot.i for one would not want to be on the receiving end.
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