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Shopping online to replenish my supply of Gillette 7 O'clock Permasharps, I came across some blades called Rapiras. Two types, the Rapira Platinum Lux, and the Rapira Swedish Supersteel. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with them. They are quite pricey, even on Shavebuck which usually has great prices on blades. They're Russian made, and I ordered some of the Swedes, but wondered if I was maybe wasting my time with these. Maybe they're great too. Just curious.
I have some on the way from a different source. Cheap international shipping can take a while.

It appears that the company actually makes more variety than shaveabuck sells but I can't find the website right now.
You are correct in that they make more than the two brands offered on the site. These were the two blades stated to be their top of the line offering which is why they were chosen. If they are or not only the board members will tell as enough of them have been sent out. I do look forward to a review so as to know if they are worth pursuing further..
I am also curious. I have wanted to try their Classic Steel razor, but haven't been able to find anyone who sells them. I have been waiting for a friend's family in Russia to find some for me but haven't yet heard from them.

I am also curious. I have wanted to try their Classic Steel razor, but haven't been able to find anyone who sells them. I have been waiting for a friend's family in Russia to find some for me but haven't yet heard from them.


I had a contact in Moscow trying to find these for me (and others) but he sort of dropped off the map several months ago.
I received a Rapira Supersteel blade in a sampler pack and it wasn't good for me at all. It gave me a close shave, but at a cost. Lots of mystery nicks and cuts, even WTG and an overall 'rough' experience. I am curious what fellow board member experiences with this blade are?
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