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Rank blades in term of sharpness!

seems very few or almost none here favor Derbys .

am i right ??

Derby's work really well in some DE's and truly miserably in others's. When talking blades it is important to take into account what DE was used with that particular blade.
which razors would a derby work good in and why is this so compared to other good blades that work good in every razor? I've tried them in a gillette blue tip,late 60's black handled SS and several techs all dull and not smooth at all.
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Derbys do very well in my Muhle 106 (so I assume the will do well with all razors using the new muhle head) and they also do a fine job in a Merkur Futur. I find that the Futur works well with most blades, probably due to it's adjustable capabilities, one can tweak it till it is right with a particular blade (wont do any miracles if the blade is rubbish of course).

The Muhle razors do come with a derby blade, so I assume they did some testing with that particular blade during the development of the new head, so, no surprise it's a great mix.

Other things to take into account would be this recent development in the Derby world, Vertical vs Horizontals. I have some new derbys (verticals) coming my way to see if I notice any difference from the old with Horizontal packing, I may even cork them, some say that makes a world of difference in the new derbys. Up until now I just used the "old" (Horizontal) ones, my mileage is based on those. :)
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Feathers are the sharpest I have used. Right now my go to blade is the Astra platinum, which I find sharp and comfortable. I honestly believe that blades are really the most personal part of the shave, and truly a YMMV thing.

For my own use, I use these blades and rate them in this order:

1) Feather
2) Russian Gillette 7'o Clock Sharpedge
3) Iridium Super
4) Astra Superior Platinum

I find all the other blades I have tried to be not sharp enough :001_smile

Have fun !

Best regards


For my own use, I use these blades and rate them in this order:

1) Feather
2) Russian Gillette 7'o Clock Sharpedge
3) Iridium Super
4) Astra Superior Platinum

I find all the other blades I have tried to be not sharp enough :001_smile

Have fun !

Best regards


Numbers 2, 3 and 4 all made in the same plant in Russia.

I started wet shaving just a little over 2 months ago. I bought a razor and 25 of the same Astra blades. I haven't even bothered to try any other blade because in my 2 months of wet shaving, I've not had the first cut or knick. My shaves are baby-bottom smooth and I get anywhere from 5 to 7 shaves per blade.

So I see no sense in trying any other blade. If it ain't broke...
Also it depends to safety razor and preparation of the shave...
Normally ,After shower and well lathered ,with slant 37c :
Kai (japan)
Super iridium (Russia)
Gillette 7' oclock Black platinum (india)
Gillette 7' oclock Yellow(Russia)
Perma-sharp super(Russia)
Astra Keramik(Russia)
Astra Green(Russia)
List goes like this and the others following ...
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