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I guess sometimes you just find what works, and for me that seems to be a long comb NEW attached to one of Bob's Bull Mastiff UL handles. I've been shaving with it for about a month and absolutely nothing else in my den is getting any love from me. Fatboy, Tech, Aristocrat, and Super Adjustable, all gathering dust :bored: I just can't convince myself to reach for anything else in the morning.

I bought it on a whim on the B/S/T because it looked fantastic and I was intrigued by the open comb head, having never used one...turns out it is an outstanding shaver that seems to get along well with whatever blade I throw in it. Kinda' a bummer, as I had an EJ or Muhle in my sights, but that desire has died down.

So, I guess now I can tend to my brush AD :blush:

The moral of this story, if you haven't tried one of Bob's razors yet, what are you waiting for? :thumbup:

Borrowing one of Bob's stock pics, here she is...I think she may need a name, as she is definitely a keeper:


- Steve :001_cool:

I have the black anodized handle from an earlier acquisition, and just ordered a New Long Comb on a BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe handle.. Looking forward to that for sure!!
I have a new long comb head and custom handle coming from Bob. I can't wait to get it and try it out. :001_smile

Lucky, that brush looks amazing!
Today was no exception, COB cream and the Cooncat gave me a great shave, as usual. I was a little concerned that the ultra lite model wouldn't have enough heft to it because it is aluminum, but that concern turned out to be unfounded. It seems to be an exceptionally balanced razor with a great handle design.

I was also unsure about the open comb head, but did my research here on B&B and any concerns about that design vs. a closed comb were also eliminated.

I don't have a wealth of wet shaving experience to draw on, having only been at this for a few short months compared to others on B&B, but this razor just flat-out works for me. Consistent great shaves, DFS or BBS every time with 3-4 passes, depending on my mood and schedule. For reference, I am usually a 4 pass shaver; WTG/ATG/XTG/WTG...for 3 I usually skip the ATG pass.

I confess I originally bought it because of Bob's reputation coupled with the fact that it looks absolutely badass :)tongue_sm) with the black anodized handle and silver head :blush:

I just have a hard time justifying an other prospective razor purchases, with the possible exception of another handle from Bob, which is definitely on my Christmas list :biggrin1:

For those of you with one on order, you won't be disappointed, I absolutely love this thing! :001_tt1:

- Steve :001_cool:
+1 yes indeed.
time to focus on brushes for a while...

Ah, yes, the weak link in my collection. Currently own only 3 brushes, none of which cost me more than $10. 2 boars: the obligatory VDH, which got me started (also used this morning), and also a small vintage Fuller that is generally my go to brush. 1 econobadger from Shea Moisture that is destined to be PIF'd due to the fact that it routinely gets no use, having found that I definitely prefer a brush with more backbone; hence the 2 boars getting all of the shaving work in my den. I am waiting on the B&B-developed Semogue brush so no need to go boar shopping, but I am looking for a nice badger to help satisfy that AD :biggrin1:

The search is on!:w00t:

- Steve :001_cool:
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