Okay, these are kind of unrelated, but being new to the wet shaving world, and now becoming somewhat of a quiet evangelist, I want to ask a couple of questions:
1) What do the the numbers 1,2,3,4 on the opposing corners of the Derby blades supposed to mean?
2) How do you count the times you've used a blade, and do you use different sides of the DE razor during the same shave?
3) Is there anyplace that sells bulk baldes (100+) other than howard1616 on e-Bay? I mean really, just a mail order house that will sell a hundred lot of Merkur or Derby blades?
Anyway, that's all. And, by the way, another thanks to Ouch for helping me sample some new blades. I still haven't used the feathers, but I do like the Derby's a lot, and the Merkur's that I already had are also really comfortable. The Feathers just scare me, but I'll get to them. Surprisingly, the Wilkinson blades were not bad, and in a pinch I would use them. They're just not in the same league as the Merkurs though, just my $0.02 worth (Canadian funds).
1) What do the the numbers 1,2,3,4 on the opposing corners of the Derby blades supposed to mean?
2) How do you count the times you've used a blade, and do you use different sides of the DE razor during the same shave?
3) Is there anyplace that sells bulk baldes (100+) other than howard1616 on e-Bay? I mean really, just a mail order house that will sell a hundred lot of Merkur or Derby blades?
Anyway, that's all. And, by the way, another thanks to Ouch for helping me sample some new blades. I still haven't used the feathers, but I do like the Derby's a lot, and the Merkur's that I already had are also really comfortable. The Feathers just scare me, but I'll get to them. Surprisingly, the Wilkinson blades were not bad, and in a pinch I would use them. They're just not in the same league as the Merkurs though, just my $0.02 worth (Canadian funds).