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Questions 2 GEM SE finds-rough shave

I found these two GEM razors this morning at an antique store and couldn't pass them up for $2 apiece. There is a very little rust spot on the inside of the top of the one with a metal handle. I'm hoping some of you experienced guys can help me figure out how to get rid of the rust. I'd never shaved with a single-edge razor and have only been shaving with a DE for a week. I've really enjoyed the DE razors and have yet to cut myself with them. When I tried to use one of the GEM razors today, however, the blade felt stiff and uncomfortable and I cut myself right away, so finished with the DE. Does anyone know some info on these two razors, and can maybe advise me on the rust and the uncomfortable shave as well?

View attachment 72828

View attachment 72829Thanks guys.
Gem Razors do require a little bit of different technique than a DE razor.

I know this may sound stupid, but you did buy Single Edge Blades to use with the Gems correct? They don't use standard Double Edge blades. They use a blade that is very similar to what you would use for scraping paint off a window, but they are sharper blades designed for shaving.

They can be bought from WalGreens/ CVS, and will be branded as Gem. Treet blades are also available through Rite Aid.

As for identification, the razor on the left is a Gem G Bar. It was one of the later model Gems likely produced in the 1950's. It will give an excellent, mild, comfortable shave.

The razor on the right is a variation of a Gem 1912 (which is the patent #, the 1912 was produced for quite a few years). The 1912 is generally considered the best Gem to start out with, and gives amazing shaves!! :tongue_sm

As for cleaning, a soak in Scrubbing Bubbles, followed by a scubbing with a toothbrush should be all that is required. Then a soak in some Barbicide to disinfect the razor.

The Gems are plated brass, and as such incapable of rusting. The rust you see on the G Bar is just surface rust, that transferred to the razor from a blade that rusted while left in the razor.
$2 a piece,you did well.:wink:A 1912 Baton handle and a G/Bar.:smile:Get yourself some Personna Stainless or Pella blades and you will never look back.:biggrin:
As mentioned above, the rust is from a blade, not the razor itself. A toothbrush and some scrubbing bubbles should handle the rust (I don't like to soak a razor in that environment for more than about 90 seconds).

As to the Barbicide, good stuff for shure. But while it has other ingredients as well, Scrubbing Bubbles contains the exact same anti-pathogen as Barbicide! (Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride), so it's use would be redundant.

As to the shave, make sure you're using a blade made for shaving, not a utility blade (GEM from Personna at Walgreens will do just fine). There are utility blades of the same configuration, but certainly the edge is not of the same quality.

Next, it will indeed feel stiffer than the DE, because it is (much thicker is why). Still, with proper prep and technique, it will provide a smooth comfortable shave (with either razor), and many find the 1912 to actually give them a shave superior to most DE razor/blade combos. Some say it's the next best thing to a straight. :w00t: Haven't tried a straight yet myself.... that's on deck for 2010 :cool:.
Stop the presses! I just blew up your pic, and if that's how you shaved, I see the problem. The 1912 has a blade in it, which is loaded incorrectly. It is not even, it must ride on each side in the little "clips" (at the blade edge) that retains and aligns it. As it sits now, the blade gap is uneven, and the blade is unsupported at one lower edge.

ETA:Yikes! I just noticed your second pic. The blade is not in the clips on either side. Have a look at the G Bar next to it, in the top pic you can see the clips I speak of on it (all SE's I'm aware of use this system).
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ETA:Yikes! I just noticed your second pic. The blade is not in the clips on either side. Have a look at the G Bar next to it, in the top pic you can see the clips I speak of on it (all SE's I'm aware of use this system).

Awesome catch!!

I looked at that photo last night, and thought the blade didn't look right, which was I why I wondered if he was trying to use a DE blade in it, not realizing that it needed different blades. The blade didn't look thick enough to me either, further making me wonder if he had a DE blade in it.

YIKES!! :frown::frown:

With the blade not under the clips, and not even being close to aligned, it's a wonder he didn't shred his face, and have some serious (perhaps even scar inflicting) cuts as a result!!

OUCH!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Thanks for all the info, guys. There's not a blade in the G bar, and after checking it, you're right, one side of the blade in the 1912 did miss the clip. It is an SE blade, but I feel sure it's the utility blade kind. It wasn't a big cut but I could just feel that something was wrong right away, so I just finished with my DE razor. I'll go to Walgreen's and get those blades tomorrow and give it another try. Thanks again!
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