I found these two GEM razors this morning at an antique store and couldn't pass them up for $2 apiece. There is a very little rust spot on the inside of the top of the one with a metal handle. I'm hoping some of you experienced guys can help me figure out how to get rid of the rust. I'd never shaved with a single-edge razor and have only been shaving with a DE for a week. I've really enjoyed the DE razors and have yet to cut myself with them. When I tried to use one of the GEM razors today, however, the blade felt stiff and uncomfortable and I cut myself right away, so finished with the DE. Does anyone know some info on these two razors, and can maybe advise me on the rust and the uncomfortable shave as well?
View attachment 72828
View attachment 72829Thanks guys.
View attachment 72828
View attachment 72829Thanks guys.